-Matt surprised Brooke with red roses.
-He believes that Brooke is "elegant and romantic", just like the flowers.
-Brooke wondered how many girls he has brought to his house.
-They started making out on the couch.
-Things got heated, so they went upstairs.
*This episode is dedicated to VictoriousSimmer*

She's can't tell the difference between the sound of her high heels hitting the steps and the thumping of her own heart.
Her heart and body tells her that it feels right. The whole night has been beautiful. Even though Matt arrived late, he had a good reason. He was on call at the hospital, and they wouldn't let him leave early because they were short-staffed. During dinner, they were able to catch up and get to know each other a little better. The soothing sound of the fountain, the French music lightly playing in the background, the sweet scent of roses and lavender mixing with the cool breeze and the warm glow of the candles on the table created the perfect ambience for the evening. After the restaurant started to become empty, they took a stroll to the garden area to have some privacy. Even though she finds herself thinking about Jason's tongue while they kiss, she imagined a a secure and happy life with Matt. With Jason, their future promised a lot of passion but filled with uncertainty as well. What if Jason leaves her for the next best thing?
Now it has come down to this. After receiving a dozen red roses and a steamy make-out session on the couch, she finds herself following him upstairs to his room. How did she get to this point? Her mind tries to reason with her that it's too soon, that she doesn't have to go through with it. She can end the night the way it started: beautifully. Why not leave the date the way it is so they can look forward to the next one? For a moment, she worries about the consequences of sleeping with Matt tonight, on their first official date. Will he still feel the same way? Will he still adore her? Or will he lose interest in her the way Jason lost interest in Hannah? Well, if Matt really likes me...then he'll stick around. If not, then he's only after one thing.

Now they are approaching the door to his bedroom. Her chest tightens in nervousness and anticipation. It's as if she's hypnotized watching the back of Matt's head. With all of the things going on in her mind, her body only knows one thing: follow him.

"So this is my room." He whispers, with a hint of shyness emanating from his voice and his eyes.
"It's nice." This is all she can say. She's trying not to look at the bed even though that's the first thing she noticed when she walked in. She can already picture them rolling around on the bed as they feel and explore each other's sweaty bodies, hair tangled in a mess. The thought of Matt touching her in intimate places makes her blush. She has to look away.
"I'm glad you like it."

Eyes locked in a close dance, they both take one step towards each other. Their attempt at small-talk is no match for the tension that has been building all night. Their mouths impatiently find each other this time, seeking a sweet release from the burning desire to feel each other's lips again.

The softness of her lips makes him grab her and pull her even closer as his hands roam up and down her back. She wraps her arms around his neck. As their tongues explore each other's mouths, she runs her fingers through his hair. They feel soft, thick and lush in her hands. She finds herself pulling on them slightly as she opens her mouth even more, getting lost in his taste. His hands reach the top of her shoulders, slowly inching towards the string that holds her dress together. Oh my God, is he going to untie my dress??
Even though the feel of his hands make her skin tingle, a part of her is starting to absorb the reality of the situation. They are in Matt's house, in his room, and they want each other. Any minute now, her dress is going to be on the floor, and the nature of their relationship will change into something more. She has always been careful about moving too fast with guys. Normally she will make a guy wait before she feels ready to sleep with him. It can be anywhere from a month to a few months. She knows how much sex can affect a relationship. She knows that the longer she makes a guy wait, the more worthy she seems in his eyes. So why doesn't she have more self-control tonight?
Matt's hands interrupt her thoughts. They are untying the back of her lavender halter dress. The strings drop down to her breasts, making her shoulders feel exposed. Still, his eyes never leave hers as he pulls her dress up over her head. All she can do is raise her arms up, feeling the fabric graze against her skin. Now she's standing in front of him in her bra and panties. His eyes scan her body from head to toe, mouth slightly hanging open.
"Damn, you're hot." He whispers, gently stroking her cheek.
His comment is what she needed to her. Feeling more confident, she slowly unbuttons his forest green shirt.
"Oh, Matt..." She says as she frees the last button. His skin peeks from under his shirt, making her pull it back so she can see more. His shirt falls to the floor, exposing his muscular chest and firm abs. Fascinated, she slowly traces his chest with her hands to feel his muscles. His skin is smooth while his muscles feel warm and firm. Slowly he closes his eyes, savoring the feel of her hands on his body. For a brief moment, she imagines its Jason standing shirtless in front of her. She imagines it's his rock-hard chest that she's touching, and it's his face that she sees. Somehow, Jason manages to sneak up in her mind even in her most intense moments with Matt.

She brings herself back to reality by unbuttoning his black pants. With one quick tug at his zippers, she pulls his pants down to the floor. The sight of him in nothing but black boxer briefs brings the butterflies back.
"You are one hot doctor." She smiles playfully. Omg, did I just say that??
"Thank you." He blushes, letting out a nervous laugh.
He takes her hand as he walks towards the bed. He lays down, gazing up at her.
"Come here." He pats the bed.

She tries to ease her nerves by fluffing up the pillows before she lays down next to him.

"I can't believe you're here with me."
"I know. Me neither."

The soft sheets feel good on her skin, but not as good as the weight of Matt's body as he leans down to kiss her.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks again.
"Yes. Now kiss me."
"Lead me on girl if you must
Take my heart and my love
Take of me all that you want
And if there's a thing that you need
I'd give you the breath that I breathe
And if ever you yearn for the love in me
Whenever Wherever Whatever

His mouth travels down to her neck. The warmth and softness of his mouth makes her shiver in surprise. Eyes closed, she can feel his lips move from her collarbone, inching closer to her breasts. He sits up, gazing at her lying on the bed, chest heaving in anticipation. One hand moves up and down her thigh while another hand feels the softness of her breasts. Her toes arch at the sensations that her body is experiencing as he picks up her leg to taste it. Slowly his mouth kisses her shin....then moves on to her inner thigh, slowly passing her hips before it reaches her bellybutton.
"You want me to keep going?" He pauses, searching her eyes.
"Yes...don't stop..." She tries to catch her breath.
He smiles before his mouth returns to her stomach. His tongue grazes her bellybutton, slowly circling it before it moves up towards her breasts again. Her chest tightens as his tongue becomes closer, causing her to grab the pillows. His mouth finally arrives, kissing one breast softly before moving on to the other one.
"Ohhh Matt..." She gasps, squeezing the pillows tightly.
"Mmmm...you taste good." He whispers, leaving a wet trail on her skin.

Unable to contain herself any longer, she rolls him over on his back.
"Now it's my turn." She whispers, biting her lip.
Straddling him, she gently traces his abs with her hands. Then they travel to his chest, this time squeezing the firmness of his muscles. She can feel the beating of his heart, as well as each breath that escapes his lips. But her mouth is more curious than her hands. Sitting up on the bed, her mouth explores his stomach, tracing the outline of his ab muscles with her lips. His spicy scent lingers on her nose as her mouth travels up to his chest, driving him even more wild. His skin tastes clean with a little bit of salt from the tiny beads of sweat, yet it still retains a masculine aroma that she can't describe. She lightly nibbles at his pecs before her tongue travels up to his neck, causing him to suck in his breath in surprise.

"You like that?" She whispers, watching her inhibitions slowly dissipate.
"Hell yeah..." He mutters before grabbing her head.

Their mouths meet again. As she presses her body closer to his, his hands travel down her tush and squeezes it. They want to feel more of each other's bodies, and it needs to happen NOW. As he starts to pull her panties down....
Beep beep.... Beep beep....
"Noooo!!" He shakes his head, looking annoyed.
Beep beep....Beep beep....
"What? What is it?" She sits up, wondering what that noise is.
He grabs the pager that's sitting on his nightstand.
"It's the hospital."
"Ohhh..." For a moment, she thought it was another girl paging him.

"I'll just ignore it. Where were we?" He tosses the pager as he seeks her mouth again.
"No. I don't want you to jeopardize your job over me. You should see what they want." She's disappointed, but a part of her is a little relieved. They were very close to going all the way.
After calling back the hospital, he finds out that a patient has just been sent in the trauma department, and they need another doctor to perform an emergency CatScan.

"A patient has a brain hemorrhage and I'm the only resident that's worked with the CatScan before." A look of disappointment takes over his face.
"You should go. They need you."
"Are you gonna be okay with me leaving?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"I need to see you again. When are you free?" He whispers in her ear.
"Why don't you call me when you're done at the hospital?"
"Okay, I'll do that."

"I had great time. I'm sorry our date got interrupted."
"It's okay. I had a wonderful time as well."
"You're more than welcome to stay here. I'd love to see your face when I get home."
"Aww, that's sweet. But I should get going too."

"Wish I knew if I could
Be the one that you would
Love forever and a day baby
And if there's a thing that you need
For you and your blood I would bleed
And if ever you yearn for the love in me
Whenever Wherever Whatever

As she walks towards her car, flashbacks of Matt's hands and mouth on her body make her giggle in excitement.

That was a close call. We almost went through with it.

As she approaches the house, she smiles. A familiar place, a familiar sight.
"Whenever Wherever Whatever" by Maxwell
Lyn, you sneaky SNEAKY devil you!! You had us all going with the steamy hot love scene, but then BAM! You were like "haha J/K guys!!" O.O So. Unfair. SOUNFAIR.
ReplyDeleteNow that my tantrum is over though, I can look at it logically for Brooke. It is probably a good thing they didn't get a chance to go through with it. It will keep Matt coming back, at least until he gets it. And hopefully when he does get it, she'll know whether or not he'll be the type of guy to disappear afterwards (although I'm thinking not, but I can't say for sure obviously lol).
What's up with her thinking about Jason though??? Goodness Brooke! If you are thinking about him during your most intimate moments with Matt... then methinks there probably isn't much hope for them. She can't keep thinking about someone else her whole life while being romantic with someone else! Besides, that's what will fuel a midlife crisis later on... the what could have been scenario. Might as well try it now, before she's tied down. But I'm just saying that because she's thinking of another sim while with Matt... not a good sign for the future =3
Lyn, another AMAZING chapter. Your descriptions are SO amazing, and make things very hot haha Now I'm kind of intimidated about having to get to love scenes in any of my stories, because I'm kinda shy about all of that. So writing about it for everyone to read would be just like... omg. It would be REALLY scary for me!!
**as a side note, I just coughed and had some stomach acid decide it was a great idea to go hang out in my mouth... now my throat burns like non other and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. THANKS STOMACH! JERKFACE. back to my superextendedsupercommentofawesome**
So... yeah. Anyways, you rock and I ♥ you to pieces! And what a pleasant surprise to find out that you had published a new chapter today! Oh! Btw, your RSS feed on your other story doesn't show the most recent posts for this blog. It only shows up to Chapter 22. Just thought you should know!
I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
♥ and harp strings,
WOW, Kate!! First of all, thank you so much for the detailed comment. I literally SQUEEED when I saw it, and I was so excited to read it. Haha I didn't mean to be a sneaky little devil. Matt really did have to go to work, in fact his carpool was on its way while they were in the middle of their hot rub-down. Plus, the situation just didn't feel ready for them to go all the way, hence the "emergency page".
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting because with Jason and Hannah, it felt right for their situation. But with Brooke and Matt, something just felt off. I think the fact that she was thinking about Jason was a sign that she may have been doing it for the wrong reasons. So I agree that it was for the best that they didn't go through with it. Teehee I like the way you said when Matt is "going to get it". Like he's trying to get some ass. XD
And I am so impressed by your observations. Are you sure you weren't in my head when I wrote the update?? XD The "what if" factor is definitely present between Brooke and Jason. I would love to see them get together but the right time hasn't presented itself. For sure the girl has options! lol
And thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed my descriptions. I really tried to imagine what they were thinking and feeling and doing at that moment. But to be honest with you, I was really worried about the appropriateness of the content. This is the most detailed I have gotten when it comes to a steamy scene, and this is the first love scene that I described in detail. I was really wrestling with myself as to what to include and what to leave out. I was even going to put "more" but I was like...Nahhh...that would be too risque.
So yes, writing a love scene and trying to make it come out right is scary. You're putting your most personal thoughts out in the open, for the public to see, and you can't predict how they will receive it. So I was really nervous...I was like...Oh crap...did I go too far? What if no one responds because they got weirded out? lol
But don't be intimidated. I would love to read Amber's love scenes! If you feel that a chapter calls for the characters to be intimate and you need to describe how hot is is, do it!! I always enjoy reading other people's love scenes, I mean they are my favorite part of the romance novels. And movies. When they are done right and there's chemistry between the characters, it can be "panty-changing". XD
OMG, I'm sorry about your acid reflux. And right in the middle of writing a comment too?? I hope it went away. I heart you to pieces too and you rock!! Ch. 29 was long overdue, and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long. And thanks for letting me now about the RSS feed. It hasn't been updating for almost a month and I finally found a way to fix it.
Have a great day tomorrow!
All caught up, this is quite a steamy story. I am happy to feature it on my blog today!
ReplyDeleteHi Seaweedy, welcome back! I thought you got bored because this story had too much romance for you. lol Wow, my story got featured on your blog today?? What an honor!! Thank you so much, that means a lot to me, considering the amazing stories that you have on your list.
ReplyDeleteI also have another story called "Memoirs Of A City Girl". Feel free to check it out. The latest chapters are right on top of the blog archive.
Are you going to do any more updates on your story?
Holy Crow! I have fallen really behind on my reading (as in I've read next to nothing since Pets....ooops!) and just got back over here tonight. OMG!
ReplyDeleteLove this one. Very sexy, and tense! Truth be told, I'm kind of glad that page interrupted them. If they actually do end up going all the way at some point (and yes, I'm still pulling for them. I just think Brooke can do better than Jason!) think how much better it will be with all that anticipation behind it ;-)
Another great update hun! <3
Thanks Rainwife, I'm glad you enjoyed it! No worries about falling behind, life happens. When Pets first came out, I forgot all about this story for a whole week...or two. lol So I understand. It's great to see you back though :-)
ReplyDeleteHehe...it was definitely wrestling with myself about what details to include and what to leave out since this was the first love scene that I described in detail. But nobody seemed to mind, so whew. XD
I agree, it's good that they didn't go through with it. I don't think Brooke was ready. And like you said, it will be so much better when the time is right.