Previously, on "The Real World, Sunset Valey":
Episode 29 (Dinner For Two Conclusion)
-Brooke squirmed as Matt explored her body.
-Even though her hands were on Matt, Jason popped in her mind.
-Just as they were about to go all the way, Matt's pager went off.
-There was an emergency at the hospital.
-Brooke went home surprisingly relieved.
*This episode is dedicated to CatloverPlayer and VictoriousSimmer, who appear as Jeff and Tori in this update.*

"....and they were were lost for over an hour. He took the wrong turn and ended up on a dark dirt road. It was already 3 in the morning. Then they saw a white glow by the side of the road. It seemed to be moving in their direction. As they got closer, the white glow became a lady in a white dress. She seemed to be floating. His girlfriend gasped as she saw her face: transparent with blank eyes.
'Speed up! Speed up!' She shrieked as her pulse raced, sending goosebumps all over body.
'What? What's wrong?" He asked, confused.
'Didn't you see that? It was a ghost!'
'No, silly. That was just some hitchhiker.'
'I'm serious! She was floating...and I saw through her face!'
'Nah. It's late. You need some sleep.'
But she couldn't shake what she saw. She could not mistake the feeling of sheer terror when she caught a glimpse of that figure.
'I just need to get home.' A disembodied voice appears.
'I know, sweetie. We'll be there soon." He assured his girlfriend.
Then he heard snoring. Was she already asleep?
He looked in the rearview mirror. A pale face with blank eyes smiled at him from the backseat.
'I just need to get home.' She pleaded.
A blood-curdling scream followed." The storyteller lowers her flashlight.
"Holy crap!!" Jeff mutters, feeling the hair on his arms raise.
"So she was in the backseat?" Pak asks.
"That's some scary shit." The girl next to them whispers.
"I would have jumped out the car. I don't care if I get hurt." Jeff is still creeped out.
" question though. Why are you using flashlights when it's broad daylight?" Pak comments.
"My story, my way! Got it??" The storyteller snaps, giving him the evil eye.

Suddenly a red-headed vision appears before him. It's Hannah from Real World! He's been following the series since Season 1, and had a crush on Hannah Pruit since. He can't take his eyes off her. Normally he's shy around women, but he finds himself wanting to find an excuse to talk to her. What if she rejects me? What if she has a boyfriend? Before he has a chance to chicken out, his hand already offers itself to her.
"Who's that lady
Beautiful lady
Lovely lady
Real fine lady
Hear me callin' out to you
'Cause it's all that I can do
Your eyes tell me to pursue
But you say look yeah,
But don't touch, baby"
"Umm...hi. I'm Jeff." He squeezes her hand, which feel soft and warm.
"Hi. I'm Hannah." Her eyes remind him of the ocean, deep and blue. He can swim in them all day and just drown. And when she flashes him a soft smile, his heart skips a beat.

Henry Wellington, Alexander and Vincent's father, pulls up.

"I don't mean to be forward, but can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it." He's nervous.
"What's your sign? I'm not trying to be cheezy or anything but I'm just curious." Now he's intrigued if they are compatible.

"Oh. That's it? I thought it was going to be worse." She laughs.
"Well, I never want to offend anyone. Or get slapped."
"Haha. Believe me, it will take a lot more to offend me. I'm an Aquarius by the way."
Wow, she seems so cool. She's just as down to earth in person.

"An Aquarius, huh?" He smiles. In his head, he's doing cartwheels.
"What's the smile for? Is that good?"
"Well...I'm a Leo. I'd tell you that we're compatible but that's only if you're interested. Oh wait..I already told you that huh?"
Good one, Jeff! Now she thinks you're creepy.
"You're adorable." Her smile just makes him want to melt.
He blushes.
"So...are you?"
"Am I what?"
"You know, interested. If you're not, then I understand. I find it very hard to believe that a girl like you is still single."
"Awww, you're very sweet. I'm single. It's just that...I still have feelings for someone."
"Ohhh. Ex-boyfriend?"
"Well, not exactly. We kind of hooked up. But I found him making out with my roommate."
"What a dog. He doesn't deserve you."
Why do beautiful women always fall for the jerks?

"You should be with someone that feels lucky to have you. Like a doctor." He explains.
"A doctor? Who's a doctor?"
"Me. In a few years. I'm in med school right now."

"Ooooh, a doctor huh?" She's intruiged.
"When you're ready to drop that loser, call me. I can show you how a woman should be treated. Like a queen."
"I will."
He gives her his cell phone number.

"Heyyy...beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady." Pak surprises Elizabeth Wellington with flowers.

"Umm...they're lovely flowers. But I can't accept them. I'm married." She politely declines.
"Yes. In fact, my husband is over there. It's very sweet of you though."
"Well, at least you're nice about it. Do you have any daughters?"
"Is that my husband calling? What honey? I'll be right there!" She takes off faster than a food truck.

"I have to go, but it was nice meeting you Jeff."
"You too Hannah. Call me if you ever want to hang out."
"Okay. Have a good night."
He watches her walk away, hoping he'll get a call soon.

Jeff's roommate, Tori, is at home playing video games. She's also a fan of Real World and she has a crush on Jason Ambrosia. She wants Brooke and Matt to hook up so Jason can be free for snagging. Snagging. I like the thought of that. She giggles, imagining Jason next to her. Shirtless.
"Ooooh what if I ran into him? What would I say?" She mutters to herself as she mercilessly shoots zombies.
You know what? Screw this. I'm going to see if he's in the stadium.

Just as she reaches the front entrance, Jason walks out. OMG!! It's him!! Oh shit. Oh shit.
Their eyes meet. Even in his work uniform, she can still see the outline of his muscles. She finds the courage to approach him even if he's a local celebrity.
"Who's that lady
Sexy lady
Beautiful lady
Real fine lady
I would dance upon a string
Any gift she'd wanna bring
I would give her anything
If she would just do what I say"

"Hi there. I'm Tori." She offers her hand.
"Hi Tori. I'm Jason." He squeezes her hand, as he gazes into her eyes. Even at night, his cornflower blue eyes sparkle, making her heart stop. Oh my goodness. Those eyes. No wonder Hannah and Brooke fell for him!

"I'll have your baby." She whispers.
"Huh? Oh nothing. I said crazy cat lady." She recovered. Tori, what the hell is wrong with you?? You're acting like a groupie!!

"I could have sworn you said you'll have my baby." He insists, flashing her a mischievous grin. She lets out a soft whimper. Visions of them alone in a dark alley invade her mind as she has her way with him until he begs her to stop. And then beg her for more. She starts to feel her cheeks flush.
"Nahh. You're hearing things." She smiles back, trying to keep her composure and dirty thoughts to herself.
"Jason!! OMG, Jason Ambrosia!!" Someone yells from behind them.
"Would you excuse me for a second?" He politely asks her as he places his hand on her arm, sending a slight tingle on her skin.
"Sure." Whew. That was close.

Suddenly, she sees a blond haired cutie walking in her direction. OMG, it's Alexander! Is he coming over to talk to me?

"I just saw you talking to Jason Ambrosia. People get us mixed up all the time. He's my cousin." He whispers in her ear.

"Nah. He's not my cousin. But I'm a hotter version of him." His pale green eyes hold her gaze, making her more nervous.
"Wow, conceited much?" She laughs. Can I take both of you home and play with you?
"Haha. I'm not conceited, I'm just convinced." He smiles.
"I'm Tori."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tori. I'm Alexander."
Yes, you sure are. Drop Hannah and get with a real woman. Right here.

"Close your eyes." He whispers.
What is he up to??

"Oh my god! For me?" She squeals at the sight of the lavender roses. Alexander Wellington just gave me flowers!!

"I have a surprise for you too." A voice appears out of nowhere. It's Jason!

"Oh, Jason! They're beautiful, thank you!" She squeals again at the sight of the yellow roses in his hands. This must be my lucky day!

"One is great. But two is better." Alexander interrupts.
What in the world?? Are they competing with each other? Over mois?

"Awww, Alexander! You didn't have to, but thank you!!" Now she's jumping for joy.
"Dude, seriously??" Jason gives him the evil eye.

"They're beautiful. You're so sweet." She savors the sweet scent.

Jason and Alexander head home.

"YES!! Two numbers and three bouquets in one night! Woot!"
She still can't believe she met Jason Ambrosia and Alexander Wellington at the same time. Now she's hoping she can hang out with them. Maybe become friends...and hopefully more. Which one will she like better? Bad Boy Jason or Refined Alexander?

"My roommates are not going to believe what just happened. Eek!" She mutters excitedly as she runs to her car to go home.
"Who's That Lady" by The Isley Brothers
*This episode is dedicated to CatloverPlayer and VictoriousSimmer, who appear as Jeff and Tori in this update.*

"....and they were were lost for over an hour. He took the wrong turn and ended up on a dark dirt road. It was already 3 in the morning. Then they saw a white glow by the side of the road. It seemed to be moving in their direction. As they got closer, the white glow became a lady in a white dress. She seemed to be floating. His girlfriend gasped as she saw her face: transparent with blank eyes.
'Speed up! Speed up!' She shrieked as her pulse raced, sending goosebumps all over body.
'What? What's wrong?" He asked, confused.
'Didn't you see that? It was a ghost!'
'No, silly. That was just some hitchhiker.'
'I'm serious! She was floating...and I saw through her face!'
'Nah. It's late. You need some sleep.'
But she couldn't shake what she saw. She could not mistake the feeling of sheer terror when she caught a glimpse of that figure.
'I just need to get home.' A disembodied voice appears.
'I know, sweetie. We'll be there soon." He assured his girlfriend.
Then he heard snoring. Was she already asleep?
He looked in the rearview mirror. A pale face with blank eyes smiled at him from the backseat.
'I just need to get home.' She pleaded.
A blood-curdling scream followed." The storyteller lowers her flashlight.
"Holy crap!!" Jeff mutters, feeling the hair on his arms raise.
"So she was in the backseat?" Pak asks.
"That's some scary shit." The girl next to them whispers.
"I would have jumped out the car. I don't care if I get hurt." Jeff is still creeped out.
" question though. Why are you using flashlights when it's broad daylight?" Pak comments.
"My story, my way! Got it??" The storyteller snaps, giving him the evil eye.

Suddenly a red-headed vision appears before him. It's Hannah from Real World! He's been following the series since Season 1, and had a crush on Hannah Pruit since. He can't take his eyes off her. Normally he's shy around women, but he finds himself wanting to find an excuse to talk to her. What if she rejects me? What if she has a boyfriend? Before he has a chance to chicken out, his hand already offers itself to her.
"Who's that lady
Beautiful lady
Lovely lady
Real fine lady
Hear me callin' out to you
'Cause it's all that I can do
Your eyes tell me to pursue
But you say look yeah,
But don't touch, baby"
"Umm...hi. I'm Jeff." He squeezes her hand, which feel soft and warm.
"Hi. I'm Hannah." Her eyes remind him of the ocean, deep and blue. He can swim in them all day and just drown. And when she flashes him a soft smile, his heart skips a beat.

Henry Wellington, Alexander and Vincent's father, pulls up.

"I don't mean to be forward, but can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it." He's nervous.
"What's your sign? I'm not trying to be cheezy or anything but I'm just curious." Now he's intrigued if they are compatible.

"Oh. That's it? I thought it was going to be worse." She laughs.
"Well, I never want to offend anyone. Or get slapped."
"Haha. Believe me, it will take a lot more to offend me. I'm an Aquarius by the way."
Wow, she seems so cool. She's just as down to earth in person.

"An Aquarius, huh?" He smiles. In his head, he's doing cartwheels.
"What's the smile for? Is that good?"
"Well...I'm a Leo. I'd tell you that we're compatible but that's only if you're interested. Oh wait..I already told you that huh?"
Good one, Jeff! Now she thinks you're creepy.
"You're adorable." Her smile just makes him want to melt.
He blushes.
"So...are you?"
"Am I what?"
"You know, interested. If you're not, then I understand. I find it very hard to believe that a girl like you is still single."
"Awww, you're very sweet. I'm single. It's just that...I still have feelings for someone."
"Ohhh. Ex-boyfriend?"
"Well, not exactly. We kind of hooked up. But I found him making out with my roommate."
"What a dog. He doesn't deserve you."
Why do beautiful women always fall for the jerks?

"You should be with someone that feels lucky to have you. Like a doctor." He explains.
"A doctor? Who's a doctor?"
"Me. In a few years. I'm in med school right now."

"Ooooh, a doctor huh?" She's intruiged.
"When you're ready to drop that loser, call me. I can show you how a woman should be treated. Like a queen."
"I will."
He gives her his cell phone number.

"Heyyy...beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady." Pak surprises Elizabeth Wellington with flowers.

"Umm...they're lovely flowers. But I can't accept them. I'm married." She politely declines.
"Yes. In fact, my husband is over there. It's very sweet of you though."
"Well, at least you're nice about it. Do you have any daughters?"
"Is that my husband calling? What honey? I'll be right there!" She takes off faster than a food truck.

"I have to go, but it was nice meeting you Jeff."
"You too Hannah. Call me if you ever want to hang out."
"Okay. Have a good night."
He watches her walk away, hoping he'll get a call soon.

Jeff's roommate, Tori, is at home playing video games. She's also a fan of Real World and she has a crush on Jason Ambrosia. She wants Brooke and Matt to hook up so Jason can be free for snagging. Snagging. I like the thought of that. She giggles, imagining Jason next to her. Shirtless.
"Ooooh what if I ran into him? What would I say?" She mutters to herself as she mercilessly shoots zombies.
You know what? Screw this. I'm going to see if he's in the stadium.

Just as she reaches the front entrance, Jason walks out. OMG!! It's him!! Oh shit. Oh shit.
Their eyes meet. Even in his work uniform, she can still see the outline of his muscles. She finds the courage to approach him even if he's a local celebrity.
"Who's that lady
Sexy lady
Beautiful lady
Real fine lady
I would dance upon a string
Any gift she'd wanna bring
I would give her anything
If she would just do what I say"

"Hi there. I'm Tori." She offers her hand.
"Hi Tori. I'm Jason." He squeezes her hand, as he gazes into her eyes. Even at night, his cornflower blue eyes sparkle, making her heart stop. Oh my goodness. Those eyes. No wonder Hannah and Brooke fell for him!

"I'll have your baby." She whispers.
"Huh? Oh nothing. I said crazy cat lady." She recovered. Tori, what the hell is wrong with you?? You're acting like a groupie!!

"I could have sworn you said you'll have my baby." He insists, flashing her a mischievous grin. She lets out a soft whimper. Visions of them alone in a dark alley invade her mind as she has her way with him until he begs her to stop. And then beg her for more. She starts to feel her cheeks flush.
"Nahh. You're hearing things." She smiles back, trying to keep her composure and dirty thoughts to herself.
"Jason!! OMG, Jason Ambrosia!!" Someone yells from behind them.
"Would you excuse me for a second?" He politely asks her as he places his hand on her arm, sending a slight tingle on her skin.
"Sure." Whew. That was close.

Suddenly, she sees a blond haired cutie walking in her direction. OMG, it's Alexander! Is he coming over to talk to me?

"I just saw you talking to Jason Ambrosia. People get us mixed up all the time. He's my cousin." He whispers in her ear.

"Nah. He's not my cousin. But I'm a hotter version of him." His pale green eyes hold her gaze, making her more nervous.
"Wow, conceited much?" She laughs. Can I take both of you home and play with you?
"Haha. I'm not conceited, I'm just convinced." He smiles.
"I'm Tori."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tori. I'm Alexander."
Yes, you sure are. Drop Hannah and get with a real woman. Right here.

"Close your eyes." He whispers.
What is he up to??

"Oh my god! For me?" She squeals at the sight of the lavender roses. Alexander Wellington just gave me flowers!!

"I have a surprise for you too." A voice appears out of nowhere. It's Jason!

"Oh, Jason! They're beautiful, thank you!" She squeals again at the sight of the yellow roses in his hands. This must be my lucky day!

"One is great. But two is better." Alexander interrupts.
What in the world?? Are they competing with each other? Over mois?

"Awww, Alexander! You didn't have to, but thank you!!" Now she's jumping for joy.
"Dude, seriously??" Jason gives him the evil eye.

"They're beautiful. You're so sweet." She savors the sweet scent.

Jason and Alexander head home.

"YES!! Two numbers and three bouquets in one night! Woot!"
She still can't believe she met Jason Ambrosia and Alexander Wellington at the same time. Now she's hoping she can hang out with them. Maybe become friends...and hopefully more. Which one will she like better? Bad Boy Jason or Refined Alexander?

"My roommates are not going to believe what just happened. Eek!" She mutters excitedly as she runs to her car to go home.
"Who's That Lady" by The Isley Brothers
LOL twists and turns, love and romance. Who will win, no one knows for sure. loved the update. Its me jerry
ReplyDeleteHi Jerry! Or should I say neighbor? lol I promised Tori and Jeff that I'd have them do a camen in Season 3 and I'm a woman of my word. I just had to try to figure out how I'd pull it off. Alexander and Jason really did go back and forth with the flowers. I was watching them like, WTF?? I totally didn't expect that. lol
ReplyDeleteI swear, sometimes I feel like I'm always bringing new people in but never actually resolve who chooses who. There's so much material and so many characters to give the spotlight to, it will probably take another year before another couple woohoos. XD
Dear lord, I hope not.o.O
I meant to say cameo. Ugh I wish they had "comment edit" on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI loved this update, so much humor and so cute to see Catloverplayer romancing Hannah as Jeff. What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteHi Seaweedy, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was definitely an interesting way to see the story from their perspective. Haha Jeff thought Hannah was cute from the beginning. XD
ReplyDeleteIt definitely adds a new kind of realism to the story. Thank you so much for featuring this update on your blog by the way! What an honor!
Such a cute update! Loved "recognizing" my fellow Simmers from the forums :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Rainwife! It was really fun to write. Definitely a different way of looking at the story. lol
ReplyDeleteHi Tommiegirl i love it. I cant wait to see Jeff and Hannah go on a date and hope to see them share their first kiss with each other. You got it right about me. I am very shy in real life.
ReplyDeleteTori's sim is very hot. She should date both guys but pick Jason. In the mean time I'mglad your hooking Jeff up with such a hot female like Hannah. I hope he will make her no longer have feelings for Jason.
Hi Catlover, I'm glad you loved the update! That's awesome, I had a feeling you were shy so I guess I was right. lol I'm curious to see where it will lead with Jeff and Hannah as well.
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah, Tori came out pretty hot. I actually made her over and I wasn't sure how she was going to like her outfit, but she loved it. I know, right? She has Jason and Alexander fighting over her. Lucky girl!
It's my pleasure to hook you up with Hannah. And she really does need a nice guy that will treat her right.