-The bistro started to become empty.
-She imagined a comfortable, yet happy life with Matt.
-At the same time, she imagined a passionate yet unpredictable life with Jason.
-While she tasted Matt's lips, flashbacks of Jason's tongue made her uneasy.
-They decide to go back to Matt's place.
*This episode is dedicated to Ali_ren*

Just like the engine, she can hear the roar of her own heart as she steps out of the car. She's greeted by a gentle, cool breeze as it sweeps through her face, tousling her hair. Now that the splashing sound of water is gone, she can hear crickets singing from a distance. A faint scent of roses permeate through the air again. The silence of the night is almost deafening. She watches him walk towards her, slightly hesitating as he gets closer. For a brief moment, they stand facing each other, holding back the words. His eyes are shy, yet burning with thoughts...private thoughts perhaps... that he's not ready for her to hear. If she has any ounce of uncertainty on her mind, this is her chance to be vocal. This is her chance to let him know that she's not ready, and she prefers to go home. If he's truly interested in her, he will understand.
Flashbacks of her argument with Hannah at P.U.R.E. appear on her mind unexpectedly. She basically called Hannah a slut for sleeping with Jason on the first date. And just in case she couldn't understand his sudden faltering interest in her, she blamed it on Hannah's inability to "keep your legs closed". Brooke feels a pang of guilt and remorse for saying those things. She was being judgmental again, adding just the right venom to hurt her. Not only did she fool around with Jason, she also insulted her. Now here she is, in the same predicament. Is her situation with Matt really that different from Jason and Hannah's? Is it really okay for them to sleep together because they like each other and developed a connection? Does this put her in a different category from Hannah? Well, Matt likes me. I can tell. He's not going to disappear just because we slept together. He's better than that. She assures herself, even though they've only known each other one week.

"Close your eyes." He whispers, smiling.
"I have a surprise for you."

When she opens her eyes, she finds him holding a bouquet of red roses.
"Oh my goodness!!" She gasps, giddy in excitement.

"I love red roses. Mmmm..." She inhales as the fragrant scent tickle her nose. Red is her favorite color, and roses are her favorite flowers.

"Do you like them?" He asks, looking a bit nervous.
"Oh, Matt. I love them." Her eyes are melting into his now, hypnotized by the aphrodisiac effect of the roses.
"I'm glad."
"How did you know?"
"You just seem like the red rose type of girl. They're elegant and romantic, just like you."

"Awwwww....that's so sweet. Thank you." This time, she pulls him close. She feels like she's floating away, looking down at herself as her body leaves the ground. Her heart is soaked in a warm bowl of pink glaze, dripping as it slowly melts away at the palm of her hand.
"You're welcome. That's how I feel about you." The wamth of his breath on her ear makes her neck tingle, vibrating down to her shoulders.
"Mmmmm...." She sighs as she clings to him tightly.
"Do you want to go inside?"

She walks into a clean, cozy living room. Masculine colors of orange, blue, and green create a pleasing combination among the furniture, walls and rug. For a bachelor pad, he has good taste. But not too good...otherwise, she will start to worry.

Surveying the room, she checks for any signs of a woman's touch. Perhaps a picture frame of the two of them, a delicate flower arrangement or an impossibly matching decor. Instead, she finds a painting of two airplanes, a sexy poster of a woman that looks like she' from the 40's and a video game console. There are no items that indicate another woman's presence in the house. If she does exist, he's done a really good job of hiding it at the last minute.

"I like your place. It's nice." She comments as he turns on the t.v. It's a welcome buffer to the heavy energy between them, just waiting to be unleashed.
"Thank you. I tried to clean before I left."
"Haha. No wonder you were late." Chuckling, she tries to imagine how many girls he has brought here. How many of them has he made out with on the couch? How many has he taken upstairs?
"Haha. Yeah." He snorts, clearing his throat.

"Come here." His hands...and eyes... motion for her to scoot closer.

"Are you okay?" He asks, squeezing the back of her shoulder.
"Yeah." At his touch, she lets out a deep breath.

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable." He insists, putting his arm around her.
"I'm okay, Matt. Thank you." She slowly sinks into the softness of the couch, the warmth of his body....the weight of his arm.

"Mmmmm....this feels nice." He whispers.
"Yes it does." She becomes even more aware of his body next to hers. The sound of this breathing, the beating of his heart and the buzzing of her skin as he pulls her closer. She loses herself in his scent, reminiscent of grass freshly covered in rain mixed with cinnamon.
"Though I met you only yesterday
And only for a moment then
I knew I couldn't let you get away
I just can see you, girl"

"I can't believe I'm here." She whispers.
"I know. It seems like yesterday we just met."
"Well, we kinda did."
"Haha. You know what I mean."
"I'm just teasing you. I know what you mean." She grins.

She can imagine being on the couch with him, cuddling under a warm blanket as they watch a movie. Then they would make out for a bit until they forget about the movie. The only thing they hear are the sounds of their lips on each other and heavy breathing. They can continue on the couch or they can go upstairs. She'll have to spend the night...because it will take all night. In the morning, they sleep in for a little bit until the sound of birds chirping wake them up.

He'll caress her face as she lays on the bed, in a daze, with only a sheet covering her most intimate parts. That caress leads to a kiss, that kiss leads to their hands moving again, which leads to his body being on top of hers. Again.

Her racy thoughts are interrupted by his hand squeezing her waist as he leans toward her.

"Matt..." His name escapes her lips as she tries to catch up with her pulse.

Softly, his mouth touches hers. Instead of being ravaged like earlier, he's gentle on her this time. He lets his lips linger just a little bit longer, until she can feel it's shape and warmth burn into her memory. She squeezes his hand as she savors the lightness of his kiss, as if he's whispering secrets into her mouth.

But the feather-light kiss doesn't last long.

His tongue starts to explore her mouth as she opens up even more, surrendering to him.
"Mmmmm...." He groans, trying to catch his breath.

His hand travels down her hip, lighting caressing it before it moves further. She whimpers at the feel of his hand squeezing her thigh. That part of her is awoken now. She can barely sit still as his mouth travels down her neck, making her feel weak.
"You smell so good..." He whispers, mouth only a breath away from her skin.
"I can be the one you love
Let me be the one you need
Take a look into your heart
Try to find a place for me"

"Do you want to go upstairs?" He asks, eyes burning with desire as his hand squeezes her waist impatiently.
"Y-y-yes." This is the only word she can utter.

The cries of her body will not let her think. She watches him take each step.

Oh dear...
That's the end of Season 2. Stay tuned for Season 3!
"Let Me Be The One You Need" by Bill Withers