Episode 24 (Bonnie and Clyde Part 2)
-Thor and Vanessa evaded the cops just in time.
-They stopped by the beach despite Thor's protest.
-When she tried to get him to open up, he snapped at her.
-She bared it all in the hot tub, causing him to get excited.
-He grilled vegetarian hot dogs for her.
*This episode is dedicated to Ayemee*
*This episode is dedicated to Ayemee*

Ever since Hannah caught Brooke and Jason making out in the hot-tub at P.U.R.E., she has been avoiding them. When she's not working, she would stay out all night without telling anyone where she is. Sometimes she wouldn't return until the bright morning. When she does return, she sleeps until it's time to go to work again. The pain and humiliation was just too much, and the thought of Brooke and Jason having sex behind her back made her want to leave the show. She's had sexual relations with other guys in the past, but she didn't have feelings for them like she did for Jason. After confiding in each other about their painful childhood, she really thought that they had a connection. She really believed that Jason liked her, and something would develop between them.
To make it worse, the girl that he fooled around with is the same girl that she suspected he has feelings for. She asked him before if there was anything going on between them and he assured her that they were "just friends". Just friends my ass. They were hooking up this whole time. And to think that bitch looked me in the eye and wished me the best with Jason. She's so fake. Whatever. They deserve each other. As much as she tries to convince herself that Jason is a dog and he's no good, her heart still longs for him. She misses his presence, his face, his eyes, his voice, his lips and how blissful it feels when his body is wrapped around hers. Her mind tries to convince her to move on, but her body still craves his touch and the security of his arms.
Since that incident at P.U.R.E., Brooke has been ridden with guilt about Hannah. She feels responsible for what happened, and she wishes she had more self-control that night. After all, Jason did tell her not to join him in the hot tub. But she didn't listen. Her initial attempts at an apology also backfires. Hannah simply isn't ready to hear her out and seeing Brooke's face was another reminder that she lost Jason to another woman. Brooke's persistence this week finally convinces Hannah that they need a heart-to-heart talk.
"That night was a mistake and it should have never happened. I never meant to hurt you," she pleads.
"Look, Brooke. If you wanted to be with Jason, why couldn't you be a woman about it and tell me?"
"I don't want to be with him. We're just friends."
"Just spare me the lies, okay? I know you have feelings for each other. I'm not dumb."
"Okay, then I'm going to be honest. I do have feelings for him. And I do want to be with him. But not when it's going to hurt you. I'm sorry, but I couldn't put you through that."
"That's really nice of you to consider my feelings, but if it's you that he wants, then it's you that he wants. I'll get over it."
"You don't have to worry about that. I told him that we can only be friends. I just don't feel comfortable with the situation."
"So you're not going to be together?"
"No. And for the record, all we did was kiss. That's it."
"Oh. I didn't see that coming."
"Why don't you work things out with Jason?"
"Right now I just want to forget about him. This whole thing has just been a mess."
"Why don't we hang out? Just us girls? Maybe it will help get your mind off things."
"Really? I could use a friend right now."
"Grab your purse. We're going to the town square."
"Thanks Brooke. I really appreciate this."
"No problem."

"First thing on Monday morning
I'm gonna pack my tears away
Got no cause to look back
I'm lookin' for me a better day
You see the thing 'bout love
I'm gonna pack my tears away
Got no cause to look back
I'm lookin' for me a better day
You see the thing 'bout love
Is that it's not enough
If the only thing it brings you is pain
If the only thing it brings you is pain
There comes a time when we could
All make a change darling"
When they arrive at the town square, they are immediately met by the gaze of two handsome young men. They appear to have arrived together. From afar, one has dark hair and dark eyes with a classy, intellectual look about him. The other one has blonde hair and light eyes. He looks athletic, like he's on his way to the gym. He looks distinguished, but he seems more outgoing than the other one. There's an air of confidence about him that suggests he probably has his way with the ladies.
Hannah is immediately drawn to him. This is the first time she has take an interest in a guy besides Jason.
Hannah: Hi. I'm Hannah.
Blonde Guy: Nice to meet you, Hannah. I'm Alexander Wellington.
Even the way he speaks is different. He's very articulate, and he seems to possess good manners. His eyes are a vibrant pale green color with a hint of aqua, boring into hers, making her temporarily lose her breath.

The dark-haired stranger takes to Brooke immediately. His gaze is intense, and his brown eyes seem to hold secrets that only a privileged few will be able to know. He flashes a shy smile at her, stealing looks at her face before he looks away.
Mr. Brown Eyes: Uhh...hello.
Brooke: Hi there.
Mr. Brown Eyes: I'm Vincent Wellington.
Brooke: Nice to meet you, Vincent. I'm Brooke.
Vincent: I'm pleased to meet you, Brooke.

Vincent: It's been a while since it rained in this town.
Brooke: Really? That makes sense because it's been sunny since we moved here.
Vincent: Where did you guys move from?
Brooke: I'm from Bridgeport but I'm not sure about my roommates. I haven't asked them yet.
Vincent: I've never been to Bridgeport but I heard it's a big city. How many roommates do you have?
Brooke: Five. Three guys, 2 girls.
Vincent: Wow, that's a lot. Where are you staying?
Brooke: A house just a few blocks from here.

Hannah: So do you come here often?
Alexander: I've been coming here with my family since I was little.
Hannah: Did you grow up here?
Alexander: Yes. That's my brother Vincent.
Hannah: Ohhhh. I kind of see the resemblance.
Alexander: Haha. Well, I take after my mother and he takes after my father. My father insists that the boys have his hairstyle.
Hannah: I like it. You can be bald and you'd still be hot.
Alexander: Why, thank you. *blush*

Hannah: So are you close to your brother?
Alexander: Yes, we're pretty close. He's only a year younger than me.
Hannah: How old are you?
Alexander: I'm 23. I would ask you the same thing but I believe it's impolite to ask a woman that.
Hannah: Haha. You are too cute. It's okay, I'm 24. I hope that's okay. *grin*
Instead of looking away, he meets her gaze with the same intensity.
Alexander: Why wouldn't it be? *grin*

Vincent: I do love the sun though. My brother and I would come here to play football. He used to be the quarterback in high school.
Brooke: Your brother?
Vincent: Yes, his name is Alexander. He's right there.
Brooke: Oh, okay. I do see the resemblance. Hotness runs in this family!
Vincent: Well, I look more like my father. I didn't get my mother's eyes.
She searches his eyes, and they look like liquid honey swirling in rich caramel. They pull her in, asking her to visit his world. It's almost difficult for her to look away.
Brooke: I think your eyes are beautiful just the way they are. They're so deep and intense.
He looks away as his cheeks start to turn red.
Vincent: I...umm...thank you.
Brooke: I'm sorry, I didnt mean to embarrass you.
Vincent: No, it's okay. Nobody has ever said that about my eyes before.
Brooke: I love how shy he is. It's so endearing.

Alexander: Well, you're only a year older than me.
Hannah: True. But I'm still older. That would make me an older woman.
Alexander: If you insist. I don't have a problem with that. *grin*

Hannah: So what do you do?
Alexander: I'm the regional director at Steve's Business Complex. I plan on owning that firm one day so I can expand in other neighborhoods like Bridgeport.
Hannah: At 23 you're already the regional director? Wow. That's impressive.
Alexander: My father has a large network of investors. I also learned a lot from boarding school and university. What about you? What do you do?
Hannah: Right now I'm working at the bookstore. But I would like to eventually teach elementary.
Alexander: I think teaching is a noble profession. I owe a lot of my success to my teachers.
Hannah: Thank you.

Vincent: So what do you do?
Brooke: I work at the spa right now. Next semester I'll be in medical school.
Vincent: Oh really? That's great. What field of medicine are you studying?
Brooke: I'm not sure yet. But I've been looking into anesthesiology. I'm fascinated by the way the human body blocks out pain and there's a big demand for it.
Vincent: That's impressive. You must be very bright.
Brooke: Thank you. Well, bright is one thing. Work ethic is another. We'll see if I can survive.
Vincent: That's true. Without a strong work ethic, even the most talented people won't succeed. But I'm sure you'll knock them dead. *grin*
His smile lights up whole his face, making his brown eyes sparkle. She has to catch her breath for a few seconds.
Brooke: Aww, thanks for the encouragement. What about you? What do you do?
Vincent: I work in city hall with my father. I want to eventually become a congressman.
Brooke: That's impressive. I'm sure you'll make it all the way to the top.
Vincent: I hope so. My mother has definitely been my father's biggest support system. I don't know if he would have made it this far without her.

Alexander: So are you going to be a strict teacher or a cool teacher?
Hannah: Ideally, a little bit of both. Strict enough so that they listen to me but cool enough that they like me.
Alexander: I wish my teachers were as pretty as you.
Hannah: OMG, don't blush.
She can feel her cheeks getting warm.
Alexander: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I apologize.
Hannah: No, it's okay. Thank you. You just caught me off guard.
He's not Jason, but he definitely has potential.

Vincent: So what kinds of movie genres are you into?
Brooke: I definitely have a soft spot for romance and drama. But I'm open to all kinds as long as it's well-written.
Vincent: I like mystery and SciFi. I don't know if I can sit through a romantic movie. Unless...
Brooke: Unless what?
Vincent: Well, unless I watch it with a girl. I'd hate to be the guy that watches romantic movies alone. Haha.
Brooke: Bahaha. Yeah, you'd have to be very secure about your masculinity to do that.

Vincent: So umm...do you think maybe...
Brooke: Yes?
Vincent: Maybe you can watch a movie with me? You pick the genre.
His eyes are serious, and they are hanging on her answer. She didn't expect to meet anyone today, let alone get asked out. But there's something sexy about him. Something that's smouldering inside, waiting to be unleashed by the right girl. He may be shy but his eyes definitely are not. They are hungry for a deep connection with someone special, someone that can challenge him mentally and capture him emotionally. He has a regal quality to him, like a prince that's looking for his princess. Will she fit those glass slippers? She feels a knot in her stomach. He's definitely different from Jason and Matt.
Brooke: Yeah, that would be great.
Vincent: So when are you available?
Brooke: Available. Hmm...what am I doing on Friday? Oh crap! I have a date with Matt!
Vincent: Brooke?
Brooke: Sorry, I was just thinking about my schedule this week.

Hannah: So...what's your situation? Are you single? Please be single. Please be single.
Alexander: I have a girlfriend.
Hannah: Oh. That's too bad.
Alexander: But my wife wants me to break up with her.
Hannah: What??
Alexander: Haha!
Hannah: Alexander!!
Alexander: I'm kidding! You should have seen the look on your face. *grin*
Hannah: Ooooh! I'm gonna kill you. Don't joke around like that!

Alexander: I'm sorry. In all seriousness, I'm single.
Hannah: No wife?
Alexander: No wife.
Hannah: No girlfriend?
Alexander: No girlfriend.
Hannah: No kids?
Alexander: God, no. What about you?
Hannah: I'm single. Now that Jason screwed it up.

This is Elizabeth Wellington, Vincent and Alexander's mom. What is she doing here?

Mrs. Wellington: Who are they talking to? I hope they're nice girls.
They could be your future daughter-in-laws, Mrs. Wellington!

Brooke: I have plans this week. How about next week?
Vincent: Next week sounds great. Would it be okay if I call you?
Brooke: Haha. You're so polite. Here's my number. Please call me.
Vincent: Well, our parents raised us this way. It's sort of ingrained.
Brooke: I love it. It goes to show that chivalry is not dead.
Vincent: It definitely isn't with the Wellington men. *grin*
Brooke: Haha! You must be an endangered species. *grin*

Brooke: Oh goodness, look at the time. I have to go to work.
Vincent: It was really nice to meet you, Brooke.
Brooke: You too Vincent. Call me, okay?
Vincent: I will. Have a good evening.
Brooke: You too. Bye Hannah! See you at home.
Hannah: Bye Brooke!

Oh my goodness. I met someone today.

I can't wait to see her again.
Vincent Wellington
Age: 22
Sign: Virgo
Traits: Shy, Genius, Nurturing, Perfectionist, Ambitious
Faves: Lobster Thermidor, Indie, White
LTW: Leader Of The Free World

Hannah: So.....
Alexander: So.....
Their eyes meet again.

Before they know it, their arms are tangled in a sweet embrace. She can feel his hands squeezing her shoulders as their mouths gravitate towards each other. He must have drank some renoit nectar for lunch since she can still taste it on his tender lips. His chest feels solid against her breasts, similar to Jason's. He's not as cut as Jason but he's muscular, and it shows in the firmness of his body. His back feels strong and warm.

Hannah: ................
Alexander: .................

Alexander: Wow. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that.
Hannah: It's okay. It was nice.

Hannah: For once, I didn't think about him.
"Don't nobody want no broke heart
And don't nobody want no two time losers
And ain't nobody gonna love you like you are
If you take whatever he brings your way,
You see the thing of it is we deserve respect
But we can't demand respect without change
There comes a time when we must go our own way"

Alexander: I'd love to see you again.
Hannah: Really?

Alexander: Absolutely. Maybe we can watch the sunset at the beach. Then go out to dinner afterwards.
Hannah: That sounds wonderful.

Alexander: So are you busy this week?
Hannah: I have to check my work schedule, but I can give you my number. I'm lying. I'm free tonight!
Alexander: Okay. Do you want me to call you?
Hannah: Yes. *grin*
Alexander: Then I'll call you. *grin*

Hannah: Oh, shucks. I gotta go to work.
Alexander: Aww, already? But it's been a pleasure meeting you.
Hannah: You too.
Alexander: Have your phone ready.
Hannah: Haha. I will.

Alexander: Bye Hannah.
Hannah: Bye Alexander.

OMG, OMG, OMG. I met someone!!

I have to see her again.
Alexander Wellington
Age: 23
Sign: Libra
Traits: Athletic, Charismatic, Star Quality, Workaholic, Schmoozer
Faves: Tri-Tip Steak, Latin, Yellow
LTW: CEO Of A Mega-Corporation
"Let It Flow" by Toni Braxton
Next: Episode 26 (Dinner For Two)
Hi Tommygirl great story. I love it. I can't wait to see the next part. I commented on your thread in the sims 3 forums.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Catlover!! I'm so glad to know that you're still following the story, and you're still enjoying it. It's really nice to see you on this blog as well XD I'm off to respond to your comment on the thread!
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great weekend :)
OMG! Brooke has so many guys on her hands *lol* Really glad to see Hannah out and about, and by the looks of things rebounding!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the next update :)
Haha yeah, Brooke definitely has options. lol She is a hopeless romantic with a Master Romancer LTW. XD Yes, I'm also glad to see Hannah meeting people, even if she's on a rebound. But then again, Alexander is like a refined version of Jason. lol
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of this blog! Very groovy! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell at least Hannah found someone and quickly. I thought it was so cute where both couples realized that they found someone, very sweet! Goes to show that new love can be found just around the corner! ;)
Great background pic btw. Who wouldn't want to wake up to that beautiful view every morning!
Look forward to more and thank you for following me! :)
Jen, thanks for following my blog and leaving a comment. Hannah hasn't had much luck in the love department, and that's also because of the choices she made. I'm really hoping she won't rush into things this time, and actually let the relationship develop first. So I guess we'll see if she learned anything. lol
ReplyDeleteYes, there's definitely a lot of characters and budding relationships to navigate through. We should see more of how these relationships progress in Season 3.
I'm glad you like the background pic! I'm obsessed with the beach, and I wish I woke up to this every morning as well. lol Sighh...one can only dream.
I'm really loving your story! I'm looking forward to the next update as well : )
Lyn!! Hi there *waves* Look at me, I only have 1 more chapter to read and I'm all caught up! I'm so proud of myself hehe
ReplyDeleteOnce again, great job! The Wellington boys are real cuties, and I love how Hannah is already so passionate about Alexander. I think/hope he has the potential to get her over Jason, because Jason and Brooke need to be together, not Jason and Hannah. Just my opinion XD
Ooo... Brooke and Vincent? He's a cutie patootie! And maybe he'll be the one to make Jason lose it and stop their friendship and start their romance? For real this time? ;)
I'm off to go read the next chapter before I head off to bed.
♥ and harp strings,
Hi Kate!! Haha you're so silly XD I'm seriously picturing you waving right now with a big smile. YAY for almost getting caught up! I'm proud of you too. Wow, you're a fast reader (pats you on the back). I get tired just looking at the chapters. lol
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed this update! I'm glad you agree that The Wellington boys are cuties. And they are so well-mannered! I guess their parents really kept an eye on them growing up. XD I love how you say Jason and Brooke "need" to be together. Gosh, that be some passion when you "need" to be with someone. Sighhh...: )
Haha you made a good point. Vincent may just be the person to finally make Jason step up and claim the woman that haunts his mind. Unless..he beats him to it. XD