Episode 9 (Perfect Strangers)
-Brooke saw Jason and Hannah hugging in their underwear.
-She assumed that they have been locked up in Hannah's room all day.
-She drove to the beach in an attempt to deal with her pain.
-She met a mysterious man whom she shared a great deal in common with.
-It turned out that he's a Scorpio.

Brooke: You're a Scorpio?
Mystery Man: Yeah. I hope that's good.
Brooke: Okay SimGod, this is not funny! This is getting a little creepy!
Me: Just trust me on this, okay? I know what I'm doing.
Brooke: Fine. *shakes head*
Me: Atta girl. Now back to your conversation.
Mystery Man: What was that all about??
Brooke: Nothing. You don't want to know.
She smiles at him. This is crazy. How could he be so much like me??
Mystery Man: What about you? What sign are you?
Brooke: Scorpio.
His eyes light up in amazement.
Mystery Man: Are you serious?? Wow.

Mystery Guy: Doo-doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo!!
Brooke: Haha!! You're a dork.
This is how how her feelings started for Jason. His ability to make her laugh and make her feel at ease with herself. The more silly they acted, the more butterflies she felt at the pit of her stomach.
Brooke: I am Fembot. I am your female clone. Program me. *in a robotic voice*
Mystery : Can I really? *grin*
Brooke: No. I just gave you a virus so you will shut down in 20 minutes. Sorry. Buh bye.
Mystery Man: Awww. You must be the defective one. Can I get a refund?
Brooke: Hahaha!! Whatever.

Their eyes meet for a moment within that short silence. There's definitely something building between them.

Brooke: Do you want to do some stargazing? It's a really nice night tonight.

Mystery Man: Yeah, that sounds great!

Brooke: It's so beautiful tonight.

Mystery Man: I know. The sky is so clear. It's like you can almost touch the stars.

Brooke: I love the sound of the ocean. It's so peaceful and soothing.

Mystery Man: Me too. I can stay here all night and just listen. It's like the whole world disappears. It's just me and the ocean.

Brooke: Sometimes I wonder if I used to be a fish in a past life. I'm so drawn to the water. I feel so alive being here. It's like my soul is getting a recharge.

Mystery Man: I know what you mean. Most people I know can only be at the beach for a few hours. Then they get tired and leave. Not me. I'm the one that stays until it gets dark. And even if it gets dark, I still want to stay because it's a different world at night. The stars and the moon come out, and the whole sky lights up. Then you can see the silhouette of the moon on the water, and it's just surreal.
Brooke: Wow. You took the words right out of my mouth. He thinks exactly like me.

Mystery Man: Did you see that shooting star?
Brooke: Yes, I did. Another angel.
Mystery Man: Oops I forgot to wave.
Brooke: Haha. It's okay. I'm sure they saw you.

Mystery Man: I remember when I was 10, I came here with my family. So I was swimming, right? All of a sudden I felt this sharp pinch on my ummm...
Brooke: Your what?
Mystery Man: My goods.
Brooke: Oh my god!! What happened?
Mystery Man: Lets just say a sandcrab got curious and went inside my underwear.

Brooke: Whaaat?? You got bit by a sandcrab?? Bahahahaha!!!
Mystery Guy: Yeah. I got so freaked out that I started crying and my parents had to take it out for me. In front of everybody. It was so embarrassing.
Brooke: Bahaha!!
Mystery Man: Hey, don't laugh. That hurts.
Brooke: Yeah. Literally. Hahaa!!
She was laughing so hard that her cheeks were red.
Mystery Man: I'm trying to share with you and you laugh at me. *sad face*
Brooke: Awww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you. It's just that...that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.
Mystery Man: Fine, I forgive you. But only because you're easy on the eyes. *grin*
His gaze makes her even more aware of how close they are to each other. She can feel the warmth of his arm next to hers.

For once, she isn't thinking about Jason or Hannah or the pain that her heart is going through. She came to the beach for comfort and found a kindred soul instead. For the first time, she feels like everything is going to be okay.
"One summer night
We ran away for a while
Laughing, we hurried beneath the sky
To an obscure place to hide
That no one could find"

Mystery Man: Remember when you said earlier that you had to learn the hard way? What did you mean by that?
Brooke: Oh gosh...that would be like telling you my life story. I don't know if you want to hear that.
Mystery Man: I just told you about a sandcrab violating my goods. You can at least give me something.
Brooke: Teehee. Fair enough. Well, the nature part, that was obvious. I mean here we are enjoying it. That part I said about quality time came from my parents' divorce. I was 8 years old when they ended their marriage. My world fell apart when they announced that they weren't going to be together anymore. I mean, they had their normal fights and disagreements but I never thought it would be serious enough to break up for good.
Mystery Man: I'm really sorry to hear that. That must have been tough for you.
Brooke: Yeah it was. Since that day, there had to be two versions of everything: birthdays, holidays, toys, you name it. My parents were still bitter about their divorce and they tried to outdo each other. If my Dad bought me a toy, my Mom would buy two. If my Mom bought me a cell phone, my Dad would buy me a laptop. They were so oblivious to the fact that I would play them against each other to get what I want. And I always got what I wanted, even if it meant making them feel guilty about breaking up the family. It was little things like that. I had so many clothes and toys, it wasn't even funny. And since I'm the only child, I didn't really have anyone to play with. So I created an imaginary friend.
Mystery Man: Wow. Does the imaginary friend still exist?
Brooke: No, not anymore. Once I graduated high school, I outgrew him.
Mystery Man: Did he have a name?
Brooke: Haha. Yeah. His name was Troy.
Mystery Man: Bahaha!!
Brooke: Whaat? What's so funny?
Mystery Man: Wow, you must have been really lonely. Troy?? Really??
Brooke: Yeah really. Hey, he kept me company. At least I didn't get m*lested by a sandcrab.
Mystery Man: Oooooh no you didn't go there.
Brooke: Yes I did. And I'll go there again.
Mystery: Man, you Scorpios are brutal.
Brooke: Well, it takes one to know one. *grin*

Brooke: But seriously, all I wanted from my parents was their quality time. I was happy when they talked to me or when they would take me to the playground. I was in the debate team in high school, and seeing them in the audience gave me such a confidence boost. I didn't need all those expensive toys or clothes. They don't interact back.
Mystery Man: Yeah, I remember how nice it feels when my parents would show up for my school plays and soccer games. It felt really good to know that I was important enough to set aside time for. Even when they were really busy. My Dad is a musician, and he travelled a lot.
Brooke: Did you grow up here in Sunset Valley?
Mystery Man: Yeah.
Brooke: So you must know the city really well.
Mystery Man: I do. Maybe I can show you around sometime.
Brooke: That would be great. I don't know the place very well.
Mystery Man: Umm..about that third one. You mentioned love.
Brooke: Yes.
Mystery Man: Why did you get emotional about that part?
No, I don't want to go back to that place. I was having such a good time!
Brooke: ........
Mystery Man: It's about him, huh? This guy that you like.
Brooke: ........
Mystery Man: Did something happen between you two?
She knew she couldn't stay in the dark about her feelings for Jason. It was just slowly eating her up inside.
Brooke: The strange thing is that...we're just friends. We've never gotten involved. He doesn't know how I feel. But I can't explain the feelings I have for him. I don't know where they come from.
Mystery Man: Are you in love with him?
Brooke: I don't know. All I know is that when I saw them together in their underwear, I felt sick to my stomach. It just hurt too much to see them together. Knowing they slept together. I couldn't stay there and bare it.
Mystery Man: Do they know that you saw them?
Brooke: No. I left as soon as I could.
Mystery Man: So what did you mean when you said love is giving a part of yourself?
Brooke: I was willing to stay friends with them knowing they might start dating and sharing the same room. I was willing to put my own needs on hold so that he can have more room for his own. I had to accept their relationship, even if I didn't like it. That's what I meant.
Mystery Man: That's very mature and selfless of you. Do you care about him that much?
Brooke: I guess so.
Mystery Man: But who's going to care about you?
Brooke: ........

Mystery Man: Look! There's Andromeda. That's the closest galaxy to ours.
Brooke: Yes. I see it!
He's right. Who's going to care about me? Here I am sitting next to this amazing guy, and I'm pining for Jason, who's shacking up with Hannah. What am I doing??

Brooke: You know, you have a good point. Why am I wasting my time with this guy who doesn't even want me?
Mystery Man: When you can be with someone that will treat you like a queen, who understands you.
Brooke: Yes.
"And we drifted to another state of mind
And imagined I was yours and you were mine
As we lay upon the grass
There in the dark
Underneath the stars
Young love underneath the stars"
"Underneath The Stars" by Mariah Carey
Next: Episode 11 (Season 1 Finale, Part 2)
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