Episode 8 (Hot Date Conclusion)
-Jason and Hannah had a great time at P.U.R.E.
-They went back to the house.
-Jason learned that Hannah's father left when she was five.
-He rocked her world until the sun came up.
-He felt bad about Brooke.

Brooke hasn't seen Jason and Hannah since they left for their date the night before. She was tossing and turning most of the night, waiting for any sign of their return. She is really starting to worry since they share the same room on the second floor (separate beds), and she hasn't seen him return in the morning or the afternoon. Luckily, she has to work that afternoon, so at least she will be able to get her mind off him for a few hours.
She's really struggling with her feelings. As much as she likes Jason and as much as the thought of him being with Hannah kills her, she had to remind herself that they are not together. The last time she remembers, he didn't even notice her new hair color. On top of trying to land a date with her and Hannah at the same time. Why does this bother me so much?? He asked her out, so he must like her. While I'm just some lame prize for a bet. Why can't I just forget about him and move on? Her first instinct would be to ignore him and pretend Hannah doesn't exist, but they live in the same house. It would be very awkward and challenging to live like that. How can she approach this situation maturely? She must resist her childish and egotistical nature. Do the opposite. Just accept that that's how things are going to be, and there was nothing she can do about it. If she wants to have any chance of surviving this season, she must teach herself how to be mature. Sometimes in life she cannot always get what she wants. And sometimes, if she's wise enough, she will realize that the only thing she can control iare her own thoughts and actions. That's it. Everyone else has their own free will, and they will do things based on their own needs and wants.
You need to let him go, Brooke. Set him free. If he comes back, he belongs to you. If not, he was never yours to begin with. Okay, so I guess I need to get along with Hannah if I want to stay friends with Jason. Having a part of him is better than none of him.
When she comes home from work, the only person in the living room is Thor. Jason is not in their room either. Hmm...maybe Hannah knows where he is. I'll go see if she's in her room. I might as well be the better person and ask her how their date went.
Just that thought alone sends a stabbing pain through her heart.
Alright, Brooke. You can do this. Be the better person. Act cool.

As she approaches Hannah's door, she is not prepared for what she sees. Jason and Hannah are in their underwear, tangled up in a lover's embrace. OMG!! That's where they were this whole time!!
Her heart sinks. She feels as if someone just ripped it out of her chest, squeezed it dry, chopped it up, threw it on the ground and left it to rot. Visions of Jason and Hannah making love all night and all day is just too unbearable for her. She cannot not hold back the tears that are slowly flooding her eyes.

I can't stay here. I can't even look at them right now.

She turns around and goes back downstairs.
Okay. Okay. Don't panic. Don't run. You don't want them to see you like this. Act normal.

She needs to get away, but where would she go?

After looking up the directions on the internet, she leaves Wiping her tears, she anxiously looks for the street signs. There's only one place that can nurture her soul and help wash away the pain. She has to go there now.

The sight of the waves crashing into the the sand makes her heart swell with utter joy. I'm home!!

Like a child running to its mother for comfort, she cannot move fast enough. Her feet are itching to feel the sand.

She can feel the damp breeze caress her skin. The smell of seaweed fills the air, slowly soothing her aching heart. The sound of the waves crashing is like music to hear ears, calling her, beckoning her to come closer. It was like seeing an old friend.Oh, I've missed you so.

Oh my goodness, this is so beautiful. How can God create something so perfect? Brooke is not a religious person, but she was awestruck by the beauty of it all. The shimmer of the crystal clear water, the presence of the lighthouse, the constant hum of the waves crashing, the cool breeze, the salty air, the silver glow of the full moon, the sway of the palm trees, the sky filled with a glitter of stars. It could not have been a more perfect harmony of nature. Now, more than ever, she wishes she had someone special to share this moment with. As a hopeless romantic, she dreams of that day when she walks hand in hand on the beach with her beloved. That special man that makes her heart and world spin. That special man that she can't live without. Her soulmate.
I thought it was Jason. I guess I was wrong.

Suddenly, she sees a mysterious man by the water. She is not alone. There's something lonely about him. The way he's looking into the ocean makes it seem like he's looking for someone. Perhaps waiting for their return.
I know the feeling.

She finds herself wanting to comfort him. She wants to assure him that she's here, and he's going to be okay. She wants to hold him until his loneliness subsides. She doesn't know why. This is crazy. How could I feel this way about a stranger? I don't even know what he looks like!

She finds herself running towards him. He needs me. Wait..what am I doing?? It was as if she has lost all reason, and she's acting purely on instinct.

The closer she becames, the more nervous she feels. She is filled with anticipation as to who this stranger might be, and what he's doing here.

I'm here! Wait for me!

He turns around. She is met with the most piercing green eyes she has ever seen. He looks surprised to see her there, but somehow relieved. It's as if he was waiting for her.
Mystery Man: Hi.
Brooke: Hello.

She feels a rush of electricity as she shakes his hand. Whoa! What was that?
He seems taken aback too.

Mystery Man: What are you doing here?
Brooke: I just had to get away. The beach is my sanctuary.
Mystery Man: I know, me too. I come where when I need to be alone. Sometimes just to think. Other times, just to be.
Brooke: Me too.
Mystery Man: Is everything okay?
Brooke: Why do you say that?
Mystery Man: It's none of my business but you look like you've been crying.
Brooke: Ohhh..it's just...stupid stuff. How did he know this?
Mystery Man: Let me guess. Boyfriend problems? *grin*
Brooke: Not exactly.
Mystery Man: Hubby problems?
Brooke: No.
Mystery Man: Okay, I'm running out of guesses. Girl problems? *grin*
Brooke: No, silly!! Haha!
She can't hide her amusement. That was the first time she laughed today. The only other person that makes her laugh is Jason. Still, it hurt to know that.
Mystery Man: Then I give up.
Brooke: I probably shouldn't be telling you this but I don't know who else I can talk to. There's this guy that I like. He's my roommate. But he went on a date with my other roommate and I find out that they...
Mystery Man: Hooked up?
Brooke: Yeah. Apparently all last night and all today.
Mystery Man: Whoa. No wonder you ended up here. That's rough.
Brooke: I know. I couldn't believe it. I thought he was different..but I guess I was wrong.
Mystery Man: Well, if it's any consolation, he's a moron.
Brooke: Haha! That does help a little. So what are you doing here?
Mystery Man: I don't know. It was like something told me to come here, and I didn't know why.
It was me, Mystery Man!

Brooke: I just love watching the stars. Especially on a night like this. You can really see the Big Dipper.

Brooke: If I'm lucky, I might even get to see a shooting star. I don't know about you, but I just think nature is amazing.

Mystery Man: No, I completely agree. I love stargazing too. It makes me wonder if I'm really alone. Do you still make a wish when you see a shooting star?
Brooke: Yes. All the time. Don't laugh okay? But I believe that every shooting star that passes is an angel that's visiting the Earth.

Mystery Man: Wow. I never thought of it that way. That's amazing. From now on I'm going to wave so they know I see them.
Brooke: You're amazing. Who are you??

Brooke: Do you think we're alone in this universe?
Mystery Man: Whoa. That's a deep question.
Brooke: Haha. Sorry. Stargazing by the beach at night can do that to me.
Mystery Man: No, don't apologize. I find myself asking the same questions too. I thought I was the only one that thought those things. I usually keep them to myself.

Mystery Man: You don't know how refreshing it is to meet someone that sees things the way I do.
Brooke: I know, me too. Sometimes I feel like I'm in my own little world, and nobody understands.

Brooke: I truly believe that the best things in life are free. There are three of them.

Mystery Man: Oh yeah? What are those? I'd love to hear it.
Brooke: Haha. Ready?
Mystery Man: Yes.
Brooke: The first one is nature. Some of the most beautiful things in this world come from nature. Look at where we're at. All around you.
Mystery Man: That's true. What's the second one?
Brooke: Time. Spending quality time with a loved one doesn't cost anything, but it's the most meaningful.
Mystery Man: Wow. I gotta hear the third one. What's the third one?
Brooke: Love.
That word brought her back to that painful place again. This is what I get for trying to be philosophical. She had to fight the tears again.
Mystery Man: Hey...are you okay?
Brooke: Yeah...I'm fine. This is so embarrasing.
Mystery Man: Can I ask why you said love?
Get it together Brooke. Don't cry in front of him.
Brooke: Because...because it's what you give of yourself.
Mystery Man: Wow. I'm blown away. How did you become so wise? And where have you been all of my life?
Brooke: I had to learn it the hard way.

Mystery Man: Does this guy know how amazing you are?
Brooke: I don't know. We never really got to spend that much time together.
Mystery Man: Well, the guy that marries you will be the luckiest guy in the world. I have never met anyone like you.
Brooke: Don't say things you don't mean.
Mystery Man: No, I'm serious. I only say things when they are true. I don't have time to pamper people's egos.

Brooke: I guess you can say I'm a hopeless romantic.
Mystery Man: Me too.

Brooke: Stop it!! You're freaking me out!
Mystery Man: What??

Brooke: It's almost scary to have this much in common.
Mystery Man: I know.
Brooke: You're doing it again! Stop it!!
Mystery Man: Haha! Wooooooo I'm reading your mind. You want to kiss me.
Brooke: Haha! Whatever. What would that be like?
"So please, you always were so free
You'll see, I promise we'll be
Perfect strangers when we meet
Strangers on the street
Lovers while we sleep"

Now, more than ever, she wants to know who this stranger is. So she decides to take a leap of faith and ask him an important question. She's normally not this forward, but she feels very comfortable with him.
Brooke: So tell me. What's your sign?

Mystery Man: You believe in that stuff?
Brooke: Well, I don't rely on it. But it gives me an idea about a person's personality. And if you're compatible with me.

Mystery Man: I'm a Scorpio. Is that good or bad?

Brooke: It's perfect.
"Perfect" by Smashing Pumpkins
Next: Episode 10 (Season 1 Finale, Part 1)
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