Episode 5 (Dim Sum)
-Jason and Brooke discover that they both love dim sum.
-Brooke's grandma is Chinese and Jason lived in China when he was five.
-Jason finds out that Thor backed out of the bet.
-Hannah tells Brooke that Jason asked her out.
-Pak wishes he had mad game like Jason.

Saturday finally comes. Hannah is excited about going out with Jason, but some of his comments hit a nerve. He was right about a lot of things. She used her sexuality to gain attention, and she had a sordid past. Her agenda against Brooke came from a deeper place: envy. She has had a crush on Jason since the first day they met, and it killed her that she was not in the same league as Brooke. Girls like her always get the hot guys. She was drop-dead gorgeous, intelligent and classy (most of the time).
What would she have to do to make Jason look at her the way he looks at Brooke? It was a gaze that every girl dreams of: desire and admiration. What would a girl like me have to do to get a guy like him?
Step 1: Get in shape.

Step 2: Get a make-over.

While Hannah is at the salon, Jason's not sure if he should go through with the date. He was only doing it because he felt bad for the way he behaved and his ego needed a boost. Especially after he found out that he won the bet by default, and Brooke never told him. A girl has never rejected him like that before. It's starting to make him question his abilities with women.
Jason: Why doesn't she want to date me? What's wrong with me?
Come on, Jason! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's not going to win any girl over.

After a power workout, he starts to feel better. Wait a minute, I have a date tonight! I need to get home and get ready.

Well hello, hotness!!

Step 3: Make an entrance. YOWZA!!!

Brooke: Hannah??? OMG!!

Hannah: Hey, Jason.
Jason: Hey, umm do I know----
Hannah: It's me!
Jason: Holy shit!! I'm sorry. Daammmnn!!
Hannah: It's okay.
Jason: Wow, you look unbelievable. I didn't even recognize you!
Hannah: Thank you.

Brooke doesn't look too pleased. She's still angry at Jason, but now she's feeling pangs of jealousy. Noooo, don't go with her. Take me instead!! Seeing him all dressed up and looking so handsome, all she wanted to do was take his hand and beg him to change his mind. But she had no right to do that, and she would risk looking desperate. She has never felt such a rush of jealousy over any guy until now. They're usually the ones that get possessive over her. What's going to happen? What are they going to do?
Jason: Are you ready to go?
Hannah: Yes. *grin* Keep it together Hannah. Smart and classy.

Jason: Damn. I'd give anything to be the peanut butter in that sandwich.

Man, I'm so glad I asked her out!

I'm so glad he asked me out!

There it is!! CK213's creation, P.U.R.E. Thanks CK! You're a genius.

He can't take his eyes off her.

Mmmmmmmm...that's the best Spline Reticulator I've ever had. Wooooo!!!

Hannah ordered the mysterious KTNXBYE. This things's got a kick!!

Jason: You wanna dance?
Hannah: I'd love to! Oh my goodness, he looks even more gorgeous dressed up. Be still my heart.

Jason: Hannah, I'm so sorry about the things that I said. There was no excuse for that.
Hannah: I'm not going to lie. If they weren't true, it wouldn't hurt. But it did, because you were right. About a lot of things. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before, not that brutally.
Jason: I wish I could take it back.
Hannah: No, don't. Then I wouldn't have been forced to look at myself. You're right, you should'nt have said those things. But you needed to. I had to hear the truth from someone else.
Jason: It's just that our argument brought a lot of painful memories from my childhood. My Dad was an alcoholic. He verbally abused my Mom, cheated on her all the time, and she just took it. I guess I can sense weakness in women, and I go after it. Just like my Dad.
Hannah: You think I'm weak?
Jason: No, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that...you and my Mom have a very similar aura. You seem very warm and nurturing.
Hannah: I've been told that before. Kids just flock to me for some reason.
Jason: I guess you're like Mother Earth or something.
Hannah: Haha! I've always dreamed about getting married and being a mom.
Jason: Umm...I'm sure you'll make a good wife and mother. To someone else. I don't want any part of it.

Hannah: Awww, thank you. You're so sweet! Oh, to be Mrs. Ambrosia.


Hannah: Jason, what are you doing?
Jason: What? I just wanted to kiss you.
Hannah: I was having such a good time. I don't want to ruin this.
Jason: Awww. Sorry.

Jason: Will you forgive me?

Hannah: YES!! Come here. OMG, he smells so good.

Hannah: Control yourself. Control yourself.

Jason: Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable?
Hannah: Yes.

Hannah: Mmmmm...this is so nice. I just want to stay here forever.

"What would happen if we kissed
Would your tongue slip past my lips
Would you run away, would you stay
Or would I melt into you
Mouth to mouth, lust to lust
Spontaneously combust"

Jason: Are you okay? Are you comfortable?
Hannah: Yeah. Very.

Hannah: You look really good tonight.

Jason: Thank you. You look really hot. You can slap me if you want but I had to tell you.

Jason: I couldn't take my eyes off you all night.

Jason: Do you want to go back to the house?

Hannah: Yes. I'll meet you there.

"What Would Happen" by Meredith Brooks
Next: Episode 7 (Hot Date Part 2)
Hello, I am enjoying this story so far and hope to get caught up soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Seaweedy, thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my story. I'm really glad you're enjoying it, and I hope you continue to follow it.
ReplyDeleteI really like your story as well! I posted a comment on your blog.
I hope to see an update soon!
"Damn. I'd give anything to be the peanut butter in that sandwich."
ReplyDeleteEek! Best. Line. Ever.
I am working on Gen 2 tonight. Thank you for stopping by my page. Also trying to get caught up on the Real World and your new one. Lots of coffee tonight! This story really does give off the reality show vibe but I think I like Sammi Sweetheart better than Brooke...we'll see how the rest of the chapters go. Maybe she can redeem herself.
Hahaha...I'm glad you enjoyed that comment. XD That's how Jason is. He's always trying to get the 2 for 1 deal. lol
ReplyDeleteNo problem, it was my pleasure reading your story. I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm looking forward to Generation 2. I've had a few all-nighters before, so I feel ya. One time it took me 8 hours to finish one update (though it was a long one). I started at 9 pm and finished at 5 a.m. Good thing it was a Friday night. lol
Haha Sammi Sweetheart is definitely the queen of diva, and she has a stronger personality than Brooke. The only thing they have in common is their hair and skin tone. Sammi will probably kick Brooke's ass if she messed with her. XD