Episode 13 (Bad To The Bone)
-Jason and Hannah worked out at the gym.
-The idea of Brooke being with another guy made Jason jealous.
-Hannah realized how much maintenance her new look requires.
-Vanessa pondered who she can hook up with.
-She found Thor "hot in a disturbed kind of way".
*This episode is dedicated to Catloverplayer*

Pak's trip to Sauvignon Nectary wasn't exactly peachy. He tried to hit on this woman named Jocelyn, but she rejected him three times. Even when he gave her flowers. He wasn't sure if it was the strong drink, the frustration or the embarrassment, but he insulted her for not telling him that she was married from the beginning. This pissed her off, and he ran home to lift weights.
When I loaded the game again, I found him at the art gallery by himself. It's good to know that he has an appreciation for culture and creativity. He was still shaken up after being rejected by Jocelyn but at least he's out there meeting women.
Umm..Pak? What are you doing?

Pak!! You might want to straighten up. Hot girl, 12 o'clock. Here's another chance!
Pak: Nooo!! No more rejections!!
Me: Alright then, die a virgin.
Pak: Omg, fine.

Remember, calm and confident. Don't be too nice, but don't be a d*uche either. Every attempt is one answer closer to "yes".
Got it?
Pak: Yeah, yeah. Says the lady that got me electricuted.
Me: Fair enough. Hey, I'm trying to help you score.

Pak: Hey. Calm and confident. Rejection is okay.

Brunette: Oh. Hi.
In case you're wondering why she's giving him the snotty look, she's a 5-star celebrity and a snob. But Pak doesn't need to know this. He'll freak out and run!!

Brunette: What do you want?

Okay, now is the time to be confident, P*k. Don't be afraid to put her in her place.
Pak: Geeez. I don't want anything from you. I just wanted to say hi. But you look like you're having a bad day so I'm gonna go.
Good one, Pak!!

Brunette: Wait.
Yes! She's still interested. Now milk her sympathies. Make her feel guilty for being rude.

Pak: Nah. That's alright. I'm gonna see who else is here. See you later.
Wait for it....

Brunette: Wait, I'm sorry. Lets start over.
She's still here! So far, so good.

Brunette: I'm Karrie. What's your name?

Pak: Nice to meet you Karrie. I'm Pak.

Karrie: How do you spell that?

Pak: P-A-K. Like pack. It's Thai.

Karrie: Ohhhh. Interesting. Nice to meet you too, Pak. I love Thai food. Too bad they don't have a Thai restaurant here in Sunset Valley.
Pak: I know. But the house I'm staying in right now is right in the middle of Little Corsican Bistro and Johnny Rockets. I heard they renovated the bistro. It looks really nice.

Karrie: So are you from around here?
Pak: Actually I'm just visiting. I'm on a show called "The Real World, Sunset Valley" and I live with five other roommates.

Karrie: I think I saw that show before. Did you used to wear glasses?
Pak: Haha. Yeah.
Karrie: Well, you look much better without it.
Pak: Thank you. Wow, I can't believe I'm still talking to her. And she's way hotter than Jocelyn!

Pak: What about you? Are you visiting too?
Karrie: Actually, no. I was born and raised in Sunset Valley. I have a twin sister named Kayla. I also have four other sisters, and they are also sets of identical twins.
Pak: Wow, three sets of twins girls?? That's awesome. I bet you're the prettiest one. *grin*
Nice!! You're getting the hang of this.
Karrie is actually one of my simself daughters. I created myself and my hubby as young adults, we dated, got married and had 6 girls. That super fertility treatment thingy really works! I just recently died in the game from old age but my hubby is still alive I think. I have to check. We have over a dozen grandchildren. Karrie is actually an adult now, so she's older than Pak.

Karrie: Awww, you're sweet. Thank you.
They also share the same trait: they are both loners.

Since Pak is hitting it off so well with her, he finally finds the courage to ask what her sign is. This question didn't go too well with Jocelyn, but maybe he'll have better luck with Karrie.
Pak: So...can I ask you what your sign is? Please be nice. Please be nice.

Karrie: I'm an Aries.
YES!! She didn't slap you!

Pak: That's awesome. YES!!
Karrie: Why? What are you?
Pak: Oh, I was just curious. No wonder we get along so well. I'm a Libra.

Now is the moment of truth. Pak has been 2 for 2 so far as far as approaching her and their compatibility. The big question is, is she single? She seems to be sending the right signals so far but so did Jocelyn in the beginning. There's only one way to find out.
Pak: I need to know. Are you single?
Please be single. Please be single.

Karrie: I'm actually married.
Pak: Oh you are? That's cool. Your husband is a lucky man.
Seriously, are there any SINGLE girls in this town??

Karrie: But I wouldn't mind seeing you again though.
Oh. My. God.
Pak, this must be your lucky day!! Wooooo!!

Pak: Really? I mean, I don't want to cause problems between you and your husband.

Karrie: Then we'll have to be very careful.
Pak: It's your call. I would love to see you again.
Even though he knows that it's wrong to have an affair with a married woman, he's very attracted to her. He has never been with anyone as hot as she is, let alone have a chance to talk to someone like her. But now, she's giving him the green light. It feels so wrong yet so hot. What if her husband finds out? What if he falls for her? What if he gets hurt?
Then again, if her husband is taking care of things at home, she wouldn't be here flirting with me.

Karrie: You're so young.
Pak: Yeah, but I'm eager to learn. *grin*
You go, boy!!

Pak: Come here.
The moment their bodies make contact, his senses are on high alert. He feels chills run down his spine as her breasts press against his chest. The warmth and softness of her body make him pull her even closer, squeezing her tighter in his arms. Her perfume mixed with her natural scent lingered on his nose, making him want to kiss her neck. The smell of her hair reminds him of pomegranate and apples. He feels tingles as he fels her hands brush the back of his neck, caressing it ever so softly.
Oh boy. So much for a platonic friendship.

Karrie: Oh my god. This is crazy.

Pak: I know.
They let their embrace linger just a little bit longer.

Pak: You are the hottest married woman that I've ever met.
Karrie: Oh, Pak. Do you always say this to women you meet?
Pak: I'm serious. You're gorgeous. And I don't say this to just anybody.

Who is that kid, and why is he crying?

She has a naughty look on her face. Pak, are you sure you can handle her??

Seriously, who is this kid and why is he crying?? He's been watching Karrie and giving her dirty looks since she talked to Pak.

Stalker Kid: That's my Mom!!
Ooops. Damn. Right in front of him too.
Sorry kid. Now I feel bad.

Later that evening, Matt was online so I had Brooke chat with him.

It looks like Thor and Jason are getting along better.

He's bobbing his head to the music. Yeah!
"Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort"

So is Thor. They're actually listening to the same music!
"Cause I'm losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine"

Jason: Ahhh...that workout felt good. I'm ready for bed.

Brooke: What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be in Hannah's room??
"Last Resort" by Papa Roach
Next: Episode 15 (Playing With Fire)
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