Previously, on "The Real World: Sunset Valley":
Episode 3 (Bi-Curious or Bi-Polar?)
-Everyone found a job.
-Hannah hit on Brooke, and she didn't mind.
-Pak finally fixed the dishwasher.
-Jason can touch the tip of his nose with his tongue.
-Vanessa accused Brooke of being an attention-whore.

The next day, Jason wakes up thinking about Brooke. And Hannah. Together. He was so intruiged by this idea that he found an excuse to talk to her. What exactly is he up to?
Jason: So I heard about you and Brooke last night.
Hannah: Oh yeah? Who told you?
Jason: Does it matter?

Hannah: Oh, I was just having a little fun.
Jason: Aww...really?? So you don't want to hook up with her?

Hannah: No. I mean she's hot, but I've never been with a girl. I just thought it would be fun to see her reaction. She's probably into that kind of stuff.
Jason: How do you know?
Hannah: Come on, look at her. Walking around in a mini-skirt and high heels. And she didn't even get mad when I hit on her. She liked it.
Jason: I don't think she's like that.
Hannah: How would YOU know?
Jason: Well..I tried to hit on her too and I got turned down twice. And I don't get turned down.

Hannah: Yeah right. She probably already gave it up on the first day. Why else would you be defending her? You don't even know who she's been with!!
Jason: Look, you're the one that tried to hook up with her. What does that make you??

Hannah: *GASP*
Jason: Yeah, I said it! If you don't want to be called a ho, don't act like one!!

His dreams of a rendezvous between Brooke and Hannah suddenly come to a screeching halt. Not only is this not going to happen, but Hannah seems to have something against Brooke. Where did the nasty comments come from?
Jason: You're such a tease. Are you so desperate for attention that you pretend to hook up with a girl you don't even like and then talk smack about her behind her back? If you weren't in this show, you'd be my groupie.

Suddenly, he feels bad about what he said. Growing up, he witnessed his Dad call his Mom some of the foulest names during their shouting matches. He cheated on her multiple times with many women. Some nights he would come home drunk, smelling like cheap booze and perfume, making a ruccus until he passes out on the couch. He will never understand why she tolerated him after all these years. Hearing his Mom sobbing in the bathroom was a weekly routine. All he could do was sit by the door with a box of Kleenex until she was ready to come out. If that's what people call love, then I don't want any part of it.
He felt such a rush of power when he called Hannah those names. He wanted to make her feel insignificant, like she was nothing but a piece of meat. Girls like her want to be treated like crap, and they like it.
Jason: Look, umm...I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry.
Hannah: It' okay. I probably deserved it anyway.
Jason: No you don't. Let me make it up to you. This new club called P.U.R.E. just opened up. You wanna go sometime?
Hannah: Yeah, that sounds great. OMG, is he asking me out out??

Jason: Wear something sexy. *sly grin*
Hannah: Okay. *blush*
Jason: Get ready to shake that booty girl!
Hannah: Haha! You're so silly!
This whole time, Brooke is looking for him. There he is! The sight of him made her whole face light up. She can hear her heart beat just a little faster. There is a weird flutter in her stomach, and she doesn't know why. Then it dawns on her. I'm nervous.

To hide her uneasiness, she tries to joke around.
Brooke: Watch this!
Jason: What?
The sight of her with long, shiny, jet black hair takes his breath away. They make her pale blue-green eyes even more striking, more penetrating. He can easily get lost in them. Oh boy. Okay Jason, be cool. Don't stare. It takes every ounce of self-control not to grab her and feel the softness of her lips. He feels blood rush through his cheeks. He didn't see this coming.
Brooke: I can fold my eyelids back.
Jason: What the???

Brooke: Braains...braaaaaains!!
Jason: Hahaa!!

Jason: Huuuumannnsss......must eeeaaaaaaat!!

Jason: Ow..OWW!! Cramp! Neck cramp!!
Brooke: Bahahahaa!! That's what you get!

Jason: So Brooke...
Brooke: *wipes eyes* Yeah??
Jason: Is that bet still on? I'm ready, I've been hitting the gym.
Brooke: Jason...
She's been waiting for him to notice her new hair color, but he never said anything. She feels a deep pang of disappointment. She wants to feel sexy and exotic in his eyes, but all he wants to do is joke around. Maybe I'm not his type.
Jason: What? What's wrong?
Brooke: I don't know. I don't think it's a good idea.
Jason: Why?
Brooke: It just feels...I don't know, cheap. Like I'm some cheap prize.
Jason: Noooo, it's not like that. It was just in good fun. I was actually surprised that you didn't slap me.
Brooke: Haha..I should have.
Jason: Why didn't you?
Brooke: I don't know. I guess I'm not the slappy type.
Jason: Slappy type? Where do you come up with this stuff?
Brooke: I had an imaginary friend named Troy. Don't ask.
Jason: Umm...I don't even wanna know. Look, if you don't feel comfortable, just tell me. It's okay.
Brooke: Are you sure?
Jason: Yeah, it's cool. Damn.
He is crushed. He's really hoping to have some alone time with her, just to hang out and get to know her better. He loves the fact that she gets his jokes. He feels like he can be himself around her. There's something about Brooke that he can't put his finger on, but he feels a familiarity in her presence. Who is this girl, and why haven't I met her before? Maybe it's better this way. Maybe she's just not into me like that. Why else would she pass up a date with me?
"No, you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night,
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight.
Oh-oh, I'm just a friend,
That's all I've ever been -
'Cause you don't know me."

Ah well. I still have Hannah.
He assures himself, as he approaches the Llama Stadium.

What is Thor doing??


Brooke: What the hell is wrong with you??? You almost gave me a heart attack!!
Thor: Now we're even.

Later that night...
Jason: So we're still on for P.U.R.E.?
Hannah: Definitely! I'm off this weekend, so let's set it up.

Hannah: Brooke's not coming with us, is she?
Jason: No, why would you think that?

Hannah: I just wanted to make sure there's nothing going on between you two.
Jason: Nah. We're just friends.
"You Don't Know Me" by Jann Arden
Next: Episode 5 (Dim Sum)
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