Episode 17 (Two Can Play This Game)
-Pak broke it off with Karrie since he believed that she's "cheating" on him with her husband.
-Brooke and Thor tried to help Pak mend his broken heart.
-Brooke and Thor made amends with each other.
-Matt and Brooke have dinner plans at the Little Corsican Bistro.
-Jason suggested that the whole group should go out that night.

After finding out that Matt asked Brooke out on a date, Jason begins to absorb the reality of another man's interest in the woman that haunts his mind. For the first time, he feels threatened by Matt. Not because he's a better man than he is, but because of how excited Brooke seems when she talks to him. It was one thing to wish her happiness with this guy, but to actually watch another man pursue her doesn't sit well with him. They're going out this week. What if she spends the night with him?
Then he remembersthat he slept with Hannah on their first date. Brooke has as much free will as he does, and she does not need to justify her choices. Now he's starting to feel as if time is working against him, and he may not have much of it to spend with Brooke. I know we're friends, but now I want to hang out with her more than ever. But I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to sabotage her plans.
Jason: So what do you think?
Brooke: You want to go to P.U.R.E. tonight?
Jason: Yeah, why not? We haven't gone out since we all moved to this house.
Brooke: That's true. I've been dying to go out. But you took Hannah instead. Bastard.

Jason: Besides, it would help cheer Pak up. You know, get him out of the house.
Brooke: Well, if it's going to help Pak. What exactly are you up to?? Just when Matt asks me out, you pull this stunt.

Jason: Yeah. Whatever it takes to cheer him up.
Brooke: Alright. Well, why don't you tell everyone about our plans while I get ready?
Jason: Sounds good. I'll see you in a few minutes. Yeah!! Who's da man??

Brooke: I'm so excited!! I'll finally get to see this club.

Thor: I hope I'll meet some hot chicks. Yeahh!!

Me: Uhhh...you're not leaving the house like that.
Pak: Whaaat?? I look fine!
Me: No. You're going to a club, not a lab. Go change!
Pak: *groan*

Yes, much better. Now go meet some girls!!

Ahhhh, P.U.R.E. It's only a block away.

Hannah, Jason, Brooke and Thor were the first to arrive.

Seeing the neon lights, hearing the music, feeling the vibration of the speakers and watching people dance just makes Brooke even more pumped. She is ready to let loose and have a good time.
Brooke: Woooooh, I love it!!

Jason: Can I get you a drink?
Brooke: Yeah, that sounds great. I'm down for whatever.
Jason: Alright, I'll be right back.

Hannah, Thor and Vanessa are already hitting the dance floor.
"Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
And we gonna make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time
We just wanna see yaa!
Everyday I’m shuffelin
Shuffelin shuffelin"

Jason: Let me have two Spline Reticulators.
Random Mixologist Guy: You got it!

There he is!! But judging from his facial expression, he's going to need a lot of drinks tonight. Come on, Pak! Forget about Karrie for one night. Have some fun!!

Pak: This place is off the hook!! The Pak is making a comeback. Yeah buddy!! *fist pump*

Jason: Here you go.
Umm...Jason? What about Hannah?
Brooke: Oooooh that looks good!

Brooke: What is it?
Jason: It's the Spline Reticulator. It's really good.
Brooke: Hannah told me about this. I can't wait to try it!

Jason: To having fun tonight. Oh, that's right. Hannah.
Brooke: Yes, to having a blast. Cheers.
Jason: Cheers.

Brooke: Mmmmm...that's really good!! It's fruity and sweet.
Jason: You like it?
Brooke: Yeah!! Thanks Jason. Ooooh I feel all tingly.
Jason: Haha. No problem.

Jason: How do you like this place so far?
Brooke: It's really nice. I love the decor. It's so posh!!

The drink must be insanely good because Brooke forgot that this is where Jason took Hannah on their date. Unless the alcohol is starting to mess with her memory and cognitive skills.
Brooke: Is there a second floor?
Jason: Yeah, but I haven't been there yet.

Brooke: I'm going to take my drink upstairs.
Jason: Okay.
He watches as she walks away with a drink in one hand. Her long legs exposed under the mini skirt, accentuating the smallness of her waist. He's hypnotized by the sway of her hips as she takes each step, gracefully arching her back with each tap of her high heels.
Brooke: Are you coming?
No words are needed. Her body is doing the talking. He understands. He can feel the pounding of his own heart as he follows her up the stairs.
Jason: Uhh...yeah.
Oh boy...

"Party Rock" by LMFAO
Next: Episode 19 (P.U.R.E. Trouble Part 2)
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