Episode 10 (Season Finale Part 1)
-Brooke and Mystery Man stargaze at the beach.
-Mystery Man confided that he was violated by a sandcrab when he was 10.
-She opened up about her childhood, especially her parents' divorce.
-She admitted that she cares a great deal about Jason.
-Mystery Man pointed out, "Who's going to care about you?"

He is saying all the right things, but does he really mean them? None of that will matter if he can't settle down with one person. I have to know where he stands.
Brooke: I have to ask you. What do you think of marriage?
Mystery Man: Why? Who's getting married?
Brooke: Haha. No, just marriage in general.

Mystery Man: Well...I think marriage is the most noble way to honor the person you're in love with. You are making a promise to God, yourself, your partner and loved ones that you will love that person no matter what.
Brooke: Uh huh...Oh dear..
She starts to feel faint. That was the most beautiful explanation of marriage that she has ever heard. Her heart did a little pitter patter.

Brooke: Keep going.
Mystery Man: I think I figured out the main reason for divorce.
Brooke: What's that?

Mystery Man: You know how the divorce rate is fifty percent? The fifty percent that stay happily married until they die married their soulmates. The other fifty percent settled, and they are always on a search for someone better.
Brooke: You make an interesting point. I've always wondered why some people stay together and some people don't last.
Mystery Man: How can you improve on perfection? When you find your soulmate, you want to be with their soul, not who they are as a person. Not their titles, their looks, money or accomplishments. Those things can be taken away. When you love someone's soul, you don't need a reason to love them. You just do. And you're happy as long as you're with them. You can also put up with more crap since you love them unconditionally.

Brooke: Wow. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. To find that kind of love would be rare and very hard to find. I don't know how many people get that lucky in life.

Mystery Man: Well, life is 90% choice and 10% luck. If you know what you want, you won't settle until you find it.

Brooke: Goodness, how do you come up with this stuff? You must have your way with women because you know exactly what to say.

Mystery Man: I'm just being honest, since you asked. For the record, I'm not the type that plays games. I prefer quality over quantity.
Brooke: Good.
Mystery Man: And since I'm being honest, I think I found my holy grail.
Be still my heart.

He pulls her close, and she cannot resist. She's been thinking about his embrace all night, wondering what it would be like to be nestled in his arms. As he squeezes her tighter, she can feel the warmth and firmness of his body. His scent sends her skin tingling with each breath.
Mystery Man: Mmmmmm...you feel so good. I can hold you in my arms forever.

Brooke: So do you. This is crazy...we just met.
She feels like she's melting into him, hypnotized by his energy.

Mystery Man: If it's so crazy, then why are we both still here?

Brooke: You're right. We're still here.

Brooke: I didn't expect to meet anyone tonight. Boy, was I surprised when I found you.

Mystery Man: I'm not. Something told me to come here. And now I know why.

Brooke has played it safe most of her life. Since she's afraid of rejection, she barely takes any chances. The guys that she dated in the past were the ones that pursued her. Then she would grow bored and move on when they start acting possessive. She wanted to become a doctor, but was afraid that she wouldn't be accepted to medical school, so she never applied. Even though she was one of the top students in her school. Then she meets a guy like Jason, who she felt an instant attraction for, but she waited for him to ask her out properly. When he does show interest in her, despite the unusual circumstances of the date, she lets her pride get in the way. So what happens? He ends up going out with Hannah, who said "yes" when he asked.
And what is she left with? A losing hand. Now that she has another opportunity, she cannot afford to let it slip away this time.
How do I show him that I'm interested?

The moment their lips touched, she gasps softly. The warmth and softness of his lips makes her body shiver in surprise. Oh my goodness. More!! He's caught off guard as well. She literally took his breath away.

Mystery Man: God, you're beautiful.
Brooke: *blush*

Mystery Man: That guy gets to see your face everyday and he's screwing your roommate instead? He doesn't deserve you.
Brooke: You certainly have a way of putting things.

Mystery Man: You deserve better.

"Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Oh.. I do love you"

Mystery Man: So much better.

Their mouths dance closely together in euphoric bliss. Every motion of his lips and tongue sent jolts of electricity to all of her extremities, from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes. She can feel her breath grow heavier as blood rushes to her cheeks. Eyes closed in languid daze, their kiss becomes more deep and intense. She runs her fingers through his hair as he pulls her even closer. His breath becomes more labored as small beads of sweat start to appear on his neck. His hands start to slide down her back, stopping to squeeze her waist and slowly inching up past her bellybutton. She doesn't know if it it's the connection they formed, or the things that he said or the romantic glow of the night, but she finds himself wanting him right there and then.
Brooke: Mmmmmm....
I don't care who's here. I want him. On the sand. NOW.

Wait, what am I saying?? Control yourself!!
Things are getting a little too heated, so she has to grab his hands and pull them away from her waist.
Brooke: Wait....wait.
Mystery Man: What? What's wrong?
Brooke: We need to slow down. This is getting too crazy.
Mystery Man: I'm sorry. I hope I didn't go too far.
Brooke: No, you're okay. It's just I almost forgot where I was.
Mystery Man: Damn. What kind of spell have you put on me??

This can't be real.

The sun is rising. The morning is getting brighter, and she has to get home. She's been out with this mystery guy since she left the house last night. It seems like time stops when she's with him.
Oh my gosh...I spent the whole night with him!!

Brooke: I should get home. I can't believe it's already morning.
Mystery Man: Oh wow. Already?? It only feels like a few hours.
Brooke: I know. It was surreal meeting you.
Mystery Man: You too. You were like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from. I just wanted it to keep going.
Brooke: Awww...
Mystery Man: I hope you feel better.
Brooke: I do. You have no idea how much you have helped me. Thank you.
Mystery Man: Anytime. You know what's strange? We've been talking like old friends but we never got each other's names.
Brooke: Are you serious?? That's crazy! I could have sworn we exchanged names.
Mystery Man: No. I said hi and you said hello. *grin*
Brooke: Haha. Well, I'm Brooke by the way.
Mystery Man: It's so nice to meet you Brooke. I'm Matt.
Brooke: It was amazing to meet you Matt.
Matt: Will I see you again?
Brooke: It's up to you. Here's my number. Call me.
Matt: I will.

It looks like Hannah slept alone that night.

When Brooke walks in the living room, Jason is there. The sight of him catches her off guard. All of the remnants of last night's magical rendezvous with Matt dissolves in front of her eyes. She hasn't seen him in two days. The feelings of emotional longing for him return without warning. How can this be?? I didn't think about him all night and now I'm back to square one!
I miss him.
Jason: I didn't see you last night. You got me worried.
What??? You were worried about me??
Brooke: ........
Jason: I even slept on the couch just so I can hear you come in. I thought something happened to you.
No, don't do this to me Jason. Not now.
Brooke: I went to the beach.
Jason: All night?
Brooke: Yeah.
Jason: By yourself? You should have told me. I could have gone with you.
Stop talking. Stop talking.
Brooke: I wasn't alone.
Jason: Oh.
Brooke: I met somebody.
Jason: ........
Brooke: His name is Matt.
Yeah, and if you even feel a fraction of what I felt when I saw you with Hannah, then it was worth it.
Jason: That's...that's great. I hope he's a nice guy.
Your eyes are lying.
Brooke: He is. So did you have fun with Hannah?
Saying her name is like swallowing crushed glass.
Say it was awful!! You hated it!! It was boring!!
Jason: Yeah, it was cool.
There goes the crushed glass again.
Brooke: Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Yeah right.
It takes all of her strength to muster up a smile.
Jason: Thanks.
Brooke: I should get some sleep.
Jason: Okay.
Brooke: I'll see you later.
Walk straight to your room. Don't turn around.

Jason: What have I done?
"Gravity is pulling you in
cause the earth it won't stop spinning
its no surprise
that you found me again
after all it was the best thing that we ever had
Now sugar
I can see you honey
Lets not pretend that its here babe
The world that we know disappeared long ago
Cause we just couldn't carry the weight"

Matt: I can't stop thinking about Brooke. I need to see her again!

Matt Dallas (My Version)
Sign: Scorpio
Favorites: Cookies, Classical, Aqua
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Great Kisser, Friendly, Family Oriented,
LTW: Become World-Renowned Surgeon
I hope you enjoyed Season 1. Stay tuned for Season 2!
"Like A Star" by Corrine Bailey Rae
"Let's Not Pretend" by 16 Frames
Matt Dallas and Jamie Alexander from Kyle XY :D
Next: Season 2, Episode 12 (The Pack Is Back)
Wow Tommie!!! Just wow! That was an amazing season! I am loving Brooke and Matt, they are amazing together :)
ReplyDeleteI really loved the angles of the pictures. I am so going to be using it in my blog because I think it added a lot!
I should go work on knocking out some of my math homework (UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but hopefully I can get started on Season 2 later tonight or tomorrow.
♥ and harp strings,
Hi JemstonLegacy, thank you for following the story and the kind words!! I'm really glad you enjoyed Season 1. I agree, I like Brooke and Matt together as well. He seems to offer a lot of the things that she's been looking for in a man. A lot of things that Jason can't.
ReplyDeleteI'm also glad you like the pics! I try to take screenshots in different angles, just so I have many to choose from. And I agree, the right pic definitely adds to the story. One of my favorite ones is with Jason and Hannah kissing at P.U.R.E. It's a close-up of their faces just when their lips touch. It definitely looks steamy. XD
Good luck on your Math homework!! School comes first. What are you majoring in? Wow, I can't believe you already finished Season 1!
Just in case you didn't know, I'm GeekKate from the forums XD We've e-mailed back and forth about my legacy blog, the Jemsons XD
ReplyDeleteI'm majoring in Music, but taking a lot of General Ed. classes atm =/
What can I say? I'm a fast read! Especially when I am LOVING what I'm reading ;)
♥ and harp strings,
Hi Kate, I knew it was you but I wasn't sure if you wanted your name revealed. So I called you by your blog name just to be on the safe side. lol
ReplyDeleteMusic! That's awesome. I have no musical inclination at all, so I've always admired those who do. I majored in Communications, minor in English. So I guess writing and speaking are easier for me. Haha.
Well, I feel special that you have caught up with my story. I just read yours, and I left a comment. I will definitely be following it.
You silly head, there's a reason I signed it "♥ and harp strings, Kate" XD
ReplyDeleteYeah, I love music! I play the harp, so I'm pursuing that in school right now. I hate writing papers, but I'm not half bad at it, but it's because of my parents lol My mom was an avid reader so in middle school I was already reading at college level, and my dad writes technical manuals for a living. So I'm always around words :P
Well, I'm not QUITE caught up with your blog. I have the most recent 2 updates to read and then I will officially be caught up hehe
Oh! I'll have to go check out your comment. Thanks!!
♥ and harp strings,
Bahahaha...I didn't even realized you signed your name with your post. Feeling like a moron. XD
ReplyDeleteWow, you come from a reading and writing family! I came from a family of engineers, so I think I'm adopted. lol I seriously don't know where I got my writing genes from.
So you were already reading at a college level in middle school? That's impressive! I was too busy staring at boys. XD
By the way, I went to this wedding once where someone played the harp. It was so serene and romantic.