Episode 16 (Three's A Crowd)
-Brooke and Hannah learned to get a long for the sake of Jason.
-Jason learned that Brooke's parents divorced when she was eight, and her Mom had an affair with a younger man.
-Jason views marriage as a trap for men.
-Jason admired Brooke's passionate view on love.
-They wish each other the best in their new relationships.

Later that afternoon, Karrie stops by the house. How does she know Pak's address? That's a mystery. All of a sudden, a window appears stating that Karrie is "Caught Committing Adultery" by Pak. When I check, Karrie is waiting outside by herself. There's no other man with her. But somehow, Pak believes that she's cheating on him. Umm..hello?? She's married. Pak knows that.

So Pak runs downstairs to confront Karrie. He's pissed!!
Pak: How could you?? I thought we had something special!!
Karrie: But...you knew I was married. Why are you so upset??
Pak: I don't know. But I am!! I'm supposed to catch you cheating on me right now even though you're alone.
Karrie: Umm...I'm sorry? I wanted to come by and see you.
Pak: Save it. Don't ever come here again. You broke my heart!!

Pak: How could she cheat on me?? Oh, the agony!!
I really don't know what to tell him. It sucks that he's going to be moping around with a broken heart for the next two days. Poor guy.

Thor and Brooke notice that Pak is upset, so they try to figure out what's going on with him.
Thor: You alright, Pak?
Pak: I met this married woman named Karrie and we really hit it off. Then I found out today that she's cheating on me with her husband.
Brooke: But Pak...that's her husband.
Pak: So?? She's supposed to be seeing me. Then it turns out that she's seeing someone else too.
Brooke: Umm...shouldn't it be the other way around? Isn't she cheating on her husband with you?
Pak: It doesn't matter. She's a cheater. I'm supposed to believe that she's faithful while her husband keeps her warm at night??
Thor: Uhh Pak? I fail to see the logic in your argument. She's married. You're the other guy, not the other way around.
Pak: So why did I get a notice that I'm supposed to catch her in the act?
Thor: We're Sims.
Pak: WE ARE?????? I'M NOT REAL???
Brooke: Thor!! You're not helping. Pak, what he's trying to say is that sometimes things happen and they don't always make sense, nor are they fair. But you find a way to deal with them and move on.
Thor: Yeahhhh. Suuuuuure, that's what I said.

Brooke: Believe me, I know exactly how you're feeling. The guy that I like doesn't want to be with me. So I just have to learn to accept that.

Pak: Brooke, how can any guy not want to be with you? Look at you!!
Brooke: Thanks Pak, you're very sweet. Honestly, looks are not everything. Some people just like different things, I guess.
Pak: Why does it hurt so much though??
Brooke: Because you fell for her. Your feelings got involved. You want to be with her but now you're finding out that you can't.
Pak: Will it ever go away??
Brooke: Yes, in time it will get better. Or maybe you will never get over her. But you learn to deal with it.
Pak: Thanks Brooke.
Brooke: You're welcome. Who knows? Maybe she'll come to her senses and realizes that you're the one she really loves. But you have to let her figure that out for herself. Don't bother her right now. Let her be.
Pak: Okay. I'll try that. I just want the pain to go away.

Brooke: I know what will make you feel better!!
Pak: What?
Brooke: Tag, you're it!!
Pak: Oooooh it's on, now!! You better run!
Brooke: Eeeeek!!

Brooke is right. For a moment, Pak forgot about Karrie. He is too busy having fun and being a kid again. How can a simple game of tag be so much freakin fun??
Pak: This reminds me of 3rd grade when I used to chase the girls on the playground. Then I would try to kiss them when I pinned them down. Buwahaha!!

Pak: Wait....a....minute....let....me....catch....my....
Brooke: Aww, come on!! You can't keep up?? A five year old can run faster than you!
Pak: Oh yeah?? If I catch you, I'll have to kiss you! You better run!!
Brooke: Eeeeeek!!! Nooooo!!!
Pak: Buwahahaha!!

Later that night, Brooke runs into Thor outside after she pays the bills. She feels so good helping Pak with his relationship problem that she decides to make amends with Thor. Even since she called him a "monster", the guilt has haunted her. She felt awful, especially when she told Jason about it, and he didn't see what the big deal was. She was merely overreacting and being judgmental. It seems like so long ago when they first arrived at this house, when Jason and Thor made a bet to see who would win a date with her. At one point Thor did like her. It seems hard to believe now especially with the recent drama between her, Jason and Hannah.
Brooke: Hey Thor?
Thor: Yeah, what's up?
Brooke: I wanted to apologize to you.
Thor: For what?
Brooke: When we had that argument when we first met, and I called you a monster. I was out of line, and I've been feeling horrible since.

Thor: Oh, that?? I think I already forgot about that. I'm not one to hold grudges or anything, but thank you. You're actually the first person who ever apologized to me.
Brooke: Really?? I find that hard to believe. Does that mean that people never did anything wrong to you?
Thor: No, don't get me wrong. People have screwed me over a bunch of times in the past. But no one has ever apologized. So I guess I just learned to play the game too. No conscience from them, no conscience from me.

Brooke: I'm sorry to hear that, Thor. I think I can kind of see where you're coming from now.

Thor: No worries. I appreciate your apology. You didn't have to, but it actually feels good. It feels like someone cares about me. It's a strange feeling.
Brooke: Well, I hope we can be friends. I would like to get to know you better.
Thor: Me too. You seem different somehow. You seem less self-absorbed.
Brooke: Haha. Well, thanks. Your "prom queen" comment really hit a nerve. I think you were right on some level. I was very judgmental.
Thor: Oh yeah. I called you that, huh? Ouch. Look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
Brooke: Thanks Thor.
Thor: By the way...what's going on between you and Jason?
Brooke: What?? Why do you ask that? Oh dear Lord, where is this coming from??
Thor: I don't know...I just thought I felt a vibe between you two.
Brooke: Nothing, really. He's actually dating Hannah.
Thor: Whaaat?? I didn't see that coming. She has been looking pretty hot lately.
Brooke: Yeah, she looks amazing. Jason and I are just friends. What's going on between you and Vanessa?
Thor: Vanessa??
Brooke: Yeah. Vanessa. You're not the only feeling vibes around here.
Thor: Nah. We're just friends.
Brooke: Okay. If you say so.
Thor: Isn't that what you tell yourself at night? *evil grin*
Brooke: Whatever!! *sly grin*

Just as Brooke walks back into the house, Thor sneaks up behind her.
Thor: RAAAAAA!!!!
Brooke: Holy shit!! What the fuck??

Brooke: Thor!!! Seriously, stop trying to kill me!!
Thor: Buwahaha!!

Instead of getting mad, Brooke decides to get even. I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Thor: Mommy!!

Brooke: Mommy?? Teehee!!
Thor: I swear, if you say anything to anybody, I will tell Jason that you LOOOOVE him.
Brooke: No you didn't!!
Thor: Yes I did.
Brooke: Don't you dare. Or I will tell Vanessa that you LOOOOVE her.
Thor: Playing hardball, are ya?
Brooke: Yeah!
Thor: Fair enough. We never had this conversation.

An hour later, Brooke's phone rings.
Brooke: Hello?
Caller: Hi, can I speak to Brooke?
Brooke: This is her. OMG, it's Matt!!
She recognized his voice.
Matt: Hey Brooke, it's Matt. Do you remember me?
Brooke: Of course I do. How can I not?
Matt: Oh, good. Is this a good time?
Brooke: Yeah. I can talk. Forever!!

Matt: How have you been? It's been a few days since I saw you.
Brooke: I've been great. Especially now that I'm talking to you.
Matt: Awww. Me too. I'm glad I found the nerve to call you. I've been thinking about you lately.
Brooke: Really?? Me too. Sometimes I still think you were a dream. It didn't seem real.
Matt: I know. That night was just perfect.
Brooke: I know.
Matt: So umm...listen.
Brooke: Yes?

Matt: I was wondering if I you were available this week. I wanted to take you to dinner.
Brooke: I work all week but I'm available Friday night. Eeeeeek!!!
Matt: So Friday then?
Brooke: Yes, Friday is perfect.
Matt: I heard the Little Corsican Bistro opened up again. They've been renovating it the past six months. Do you want to go there?
Brooke: Yeah, that sounds great. It's right next to my house.
Matt: So how about we meet there at 7 pm?
Brooke: That sounds great.
Matt: So I'll see you Friday. I can't wait.
Brooke: Me neither. See you then.
Matt: Bye Brooke.
Brooke: Bye Matt. OMG!! I have a date with Matt!!

Jason: Who was that?
Brooke: It was Matt. We're going out on Friday. I'm so excited!!
Jason: Oh yeah? That's great.

Jason: Well, you're not going out til Friday, right?
Brooke: Yeah, why?
Jason: I was thinking maybe we can all go out tonight. The whole group.
"And I've been working out everyday thinking about you
Looking at my own eyes in the rear view
Catching flash backs of our eye contact
Wish I could lay you on your stomach and caress your back
I would hold ya in my arms and ease your fears
I can't believe it, I hadn't had a crush in years"

Brooke: What did you have in mind?
Jason: P.U.R.E.
"Hey Lover" by L.L. Cool J.
Next: Episode 18 (P.U.R.E. Trouble)
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