Episode 15 (Playing With Fire)
-Brooke and Jason slept in the same room.
-Pak made pancakes but burned them.
-The sight of Brooke sleeping made Jason want to kiss her.
-The sexual tension between Jason and Hannah made Brooke sick to her stomach.
-Brooke wanted to beat Hanna's ass.

This is the first morning that Brooke, Jason and Hannah have been in the same room since the date a few days ago. Even though Brooke was flattered that he slept in her room last night, she still can't shake off the images of the two of them intimately exploring each other's bodies. She doesn't want anyone else touching him, yet there is nothing she can do. Jason is a free man. Why am I feeling this way about this guy that I'm not even dating? I hate it. It's just awful!!
Not even her worst break-ups in the past can compare to the degree of jealousy that Brooke is experiencing. Not only does she she have to live with this unpleasant emotion, she also has to see it everyday. After all, they all live in the same house. She can't just avoid Jason for weeks, months at a time like she did her ex-boyfriends and pretend they didn't exist. Why?? Why is this happening to me??
Brooke: So did you guys have a good time?

Jason watches as the two women in his life sit down to eat their breakfast. He's really hoping that there will be no animosity between them.
This is so weird. How did I end up with two girls that I care about? I have this great chemistry with Hannah but Brooke is always on my mind.

Hannah: Yeah, we had a great time. That new club is really nice.

Brooke: That's great. Were there a lot of people there?

Hannah: You know...it was pretty empty. I mean, a few people here and there would show up and leave but it was empty for the most part.

Brooke: Hmmm...that's strange. I thought they just opened up.

Hannah: They did. Maybe it was just a slow night.

Brooke: How were the drinks?

Hannah: They were pretty good actually. I tried this new drink called KTNXBYE. Woo, let me tell you. That was a doozy.

Brooke: That sounds pretty good. I should try that one when I go.
French Maid: No no no!!! Ze stareo ez brokan!! Pleze, zum one. Le help!!

Hannah: You should. Jason had the Spline Reticulator. He loved it.
Brooke: Oh. That's awesome. *fake smile*
Hearing Jason's name come out of Hannah's mouth brings her back to that unpleasant place again. Possessive emotions start to creep up from behind, taunting her, making her wish she never asked about their date in the first place.Jason...Jason. Why does she talk about him like they're an item?
Hannah: Thanks. *fake smile*

Brooke: I met someone.
Hannah: Oh yeah?
Brooke: His name is Matt. He's from here.
Hannah: That's great, Brooke. I'm happy for you. YES!! This bitch is finally out of the picture.
Brooke: Thanks Hannah. I wish you and Jason the best.
Those words are the most painful that Brooke has ever had to utter in her life. It was one thing to wish someone the best, but to actually say it in front of them isa different story. Each word slices through her heart, releasing all of the fresh blood. Releasing Jason. She sees his name dissipate into the air, like a balloon who's string has finally been free from someone's grasp. Up, up in the air, passing the trees, greeting the glorious sky, embracing the endless wind. He is free.
You know what?? I have met someone. Someone amazing. I need to remind myself that and focus on Matt from now on.

Hannah: Thanks Brooke. That means a lot to me.

Seeing Jason on the couch playing video games reminds her of the simple days when he was just another guy who tried to hit on her. She missea those days, before her feelings got involved. Why can't he act like that again? Then I wouldn't find him so hot.
This reminds her of their "dim sum" moment, when she discovered they had several things in common: dim sum is their favorite food, he lived in China when he was five and her grandmother is from China. That was when she started to see who's lurking behind that muscular facade. It felt like it was just the two of them at the time, lost in translation, and trying to ignore the fact that something was happening.

Jason: Should I run over those people?
Brooke: Haha. It hasn't stopped you before.
Jason: Ouch!! Remind me not to eat salad for breakfast.
Brooke: Whatever! *grin*
Ahhh...things are back to normal.

Jason: See, that's why I'm never getting married.
Brooke: Where did that come from?

Jason: I know how you women are. You get in shape, get dolled up, do all the right things, say the right things and promise the right things to get a guy to settle down.
Brooke: Uh huhh...
Jason: But the moment we propose, you get all obsessed with the ring and wedding.
Brooke: Where do you come up with this stuff??
Jason: I've seen it. Oh, and it doesn't end there. After the wedding, you start trying to change the guy, boss him around and expect him to report to you every second of the day. Seriously, it's like we get neutered or something.
Brooke: Jason...I don't even know how to answer that.
Jason: Oh, and since you guys already snagged the guy for life, you stop caring about your looks. Then you get all obsessed with having kids and you forget about the poor b*stard. And forget about the sex life!! Down the toilet. There's always the "I'm too tired" excuse.

Brooke: Can I give you a different perspective?

Jason: Sure.

Brooke: My parents divorced when I was eight.

Jason: Oh, I didn't even know that. I'm so sorry.

Brooke: It's okay. I was young, so at least I was able to adapt early. You see, my Dad was a businessman and he travelled a lot. Then he met my Mom at this seminar. He was a speaker for business students. My Mom was beautiful. With a Chinese mother and a Spaniard father, she was just stunning. And young. For my Dad, it was love at first sight. So they dated and got married. For my Mom, he was her ticket to a secure life. An older successful businessman who would do anything for her. She didn't even finish college.

Jason: Wow...so why did they get divorced?

Brooke: My Dad came home early from work to surprise her for her birthday, and he walked in on my Mom having sex with a younger man. In their bedroom.

Jason: Oh wow. That's horrible.

Brooke: I know. So he beat up the guy, then confronted my Mom. She admitted that the affair has been going on since I was born. She just wasn't happy with her life.
Jason: How are your parents now?
Brooke: They're alive and well, thanks. They both remarried, but they never had additional children.
Jason has to fight the urge to take her in his arms, caress her face and tell her it's going to be okay. He has never seen this vulnerable side of Brooke before, and it makes him want to protect her even more. His heart swells with empathy for her, inviting the butterflies to appear again. He sees them flutter around the room, circling both of them.

Jason: So how did that affect you growing up?
Brooke: Well, it really changed the way I view marriage. Like I told Matt, since the divorce, everything had to be done in two's. Two birthdays, two Halloweens, two holidays, two toys, two sets of clothes, two vacations, two houses, two of everything. As devastated as I was that my family was broken, I also saw the advantages. I was able to play my parents against each other to get what I want. They were so busy competing for my loyalty that they never saw through what I was doing.
The sound of Matt's name brings a sharp twinge of jealousy, but Jason has to remind himself that they are just friends. She's already confiding in this guy, so they must be getting close.
Jason: So does that mean that you always get what you want?
Brooke: Pretty much, yeah. I became very good at manipulating people.
Jason: You don't seem that way to me. You seem like a very sweet, caring person. You never did tell me your take on marriage.
Brooke: Aww, thanks. You're very sweet. Well, I believe in true love.
Jason: What's true love?
Brooke: I want to marry the person that makes my heart dance...that gives me butterflies...that I can't stop thinking about...that I can't live without. Someone so special that when I look in his eyes, I thank God that he exists, because I know in the deepest crevice of my soul, that there is no one else I would rather spend every waking moment of my life with.
Jason: .......
Waves of warm energy began to fill through his body as he absorbs each and every one of her words. He becomes lost in a sea of longing, slowly drifting away into a world that neither held time or space. As a younger child he would be visited by this mysterious girl in his dreams, taking him into another place in time. He never knew her name nor could he recall her face but his heart burst with love whenever he was with her. She was the closest thing to perfection that he has ever known. Sometimes he would wake up sobbing because he didn't want the dream to end. Her world was the only place he wanted to exist in as long as they could be together.
Then the reality of his parents' relationship set in, and he soon realized that such a rare type of love doesn't exist. So he said goodbye to this mysterious girl as his heart gradually hardened over the years. He hasn't thought about this girl since.
Until now.

Brooke: Jason? Did you hear what I said?
Jason: Uhh...yeah.
Brooke: Never mind. Forget what I just said. You probably think I'm hopeless.
Jason: No...not at all. It's just that what you said caught me off guard.
Brooke: Why?
Jason: I just...I've never met anybody who viewed love with that much passion before.
Brooke: Well, it's just how I feel. I would rather be an old maid for the rest of my life than settle for someone I'm not in love with. I don't want to end up like my Mom.
Jason: Every other woman I know dreams of getting married. But you'd rather be single if you can't find the right guy.
Brooke: Well, I'm not like every woman. It was Matt that told me that marriage is the most noble way to honor the person you're in love with. And I think it's so true. I'm waiting for my soulmate.
Jason: You really like this Matt guy, huh?
Brooke: I do. I mean, I know I just met him but we see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. He wants a lot of the things that I want.

Jason: He seems like a great guy. I'm happy that you met someone, Brooke. Let her go, Jason. Let her be happy.
"If you could see that I'm the one who understands you,
Been here all along so why can't you see,
You belong with me.
You belong with me."

Brooke: Thank you, Jason. I wish you and Hannah the best. I really do.
Jason: Thanks. I'm going to the kitchen. Do you want anything?

Brooke: No, thank you. I just ate.

She's looking for her soulmate. Is there even such a thing? Now that I think about it, she's just like me. She's also afraid of spending the rest of her life with the wrong person. I hope this Matt guy can live up to her expectations. I don't know if anyone can.

Damn, this salad is salty!! Who made this??

At least Brooke and Hannah are getting along.
"You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift
Next: Episode 17 (Two Can Play This Game)
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