Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Episode 13: Bad To The Bone

Previously, on "The Real World, Sunset Valley":
Episode 12 (The Pack Is Back)

-Hannah's new look inspired Pak to get a make-over of his own.
-He met a woman named Jocelyn at Sauvignon Nectary.
-After three rejections, he learns that she's married.
-He insults her and her husband, which pisses her off.
-He runs back home and starts lifting weights.

After learning that Brooke met someone at the beach, Jason has to find a way to release some of his frustration. He went out on a limb by telling her that he slept on the couch, waiting for her safe return, and she didn't even notice. What if something happened to her? The thought of her being hurt or someone trying to hurt her sens a new type of protective feeling he's never experienced. He doesn't want to hurt Hannah, but he doesn't want anyone to hurt Brooke either. For the first time in his life, he actually misses someone's presence. And the thought of Brooke not returning made him restless all night. How can I spend almost two days with Hannah but Brooke is still on my mind?

So he decides to go to the gym with Hannah tagging along. Now that she has lost weight, she will have to maintain it. If she doesn't work out regularly, she gains the weight back (yes, it happens in my game).

This is the second time Hannah has worked out in her entire life. The first one was the day of her date with Jason. As much as she loves her new look, she realizes that it's a lot of work just to maintain it. She must eat healthy, exercise, keep up her wardrobe and touch-up her new hair color. The old me was so much easier. I didn't have to do anything.

But Jason didn't notice the old you either. So you need to figure out if the changes are worth the trouble.

As he speeds through the treadmill, thoughts of Brooke and this new guy named Matt can't escape him. She was with this guy until the morning. What were they doing?? And why was she so distant when she walked in? The thought of her spending time with another guy brings on this unpleasant feeling. It's dread mixed with possessiveness of Brooke with a lot of contempt for him. What is this strange feeling? I hate it!! I just want to keep Brooke for myself and beat the crap out of that guy!!

Me: Jason?

Jason: Yeah?

Me: That's called jealousy.

Jason: Oh. Is that what that is?? It sucks!!

Hannah: Oh, the trouble women must go through just to get a man.

The thought of Matt touching Brooke sends Jason into a frenzy. He increases the speed and incline even more.

Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it.

The gym is pretty full today. The dark-haired man next to Hannah is Henry Wellington. The girl across him is his teenage daughter, Charlotte. He and his wife Elizabeth live in the Wellington Mansion (that I downloaded from CK213) next to the Landgraabs. They have two young adult sons named Vincent and Alexander, and another teenage daughter named Natasha.

The shirtless guy on the lower left is a tourist from China.

Jason: Wooooh!! Hang in there. Ten more minutes.

"This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!" 

Umm..Hannah? Why are you in your underwear??

Jason: That felt good. I needed that.

His workouts are definitely paying off. 

The sight of Jason's muscular body gives Hannah flashbacks of the delicious night that they shared. She starts craving his touch, his kiss, his scent, his eyes, his voice, and the warmth of his hard body.

Mmmmm...I need a piece of that man again.

Thor: Yeaaahhhhh!!!

Spiky purple mohawk? Check. Leather jacket? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Motorcycle? Yeah baby!! What a way to enter and leave the Criminal building. This is a Cutpurse's dream come true.

"On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
Said "leave this one alone"
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone"

Since Thor and Vanessa work at the same place, they both leave and arrive at the same time.

Vanessa: Woooooooooh!!! Is it happy hour yet??

This girl has a lot of energy!

"Baby I like it
The way you move on the floor
Baby I like it
Come on and give me some more" 

Thor: If she's this wild now, what is she like drunk?? Mmm...that's hot.

In other news, this is a pretty good view of the water even though they live downtown.

Thor: do you like the renovations on the house?

Vanessa: It looks pretty good. Even though the dishwasher broke. Again.

After hearing that Jason and Hannah went out on a date, Vanessa starts to wonder who she's going to hook up with. Jason seems to have his hands full with Hannah and Brooke, so I'm not even going to blow up his ego even further. Pak's new look is doing wonders for him, but he seems too tame. She will probably eat him alive. So who's left? Thor. He does have that strange-evil-will-tie-you-up-torture-you-and-take-you-out-for-
breakfast kind of vibe. He's kind of hot in a disturbed kind of way. 

Vanessa: I heard that it's really nice at the beach at night. It's supposed to be perfect for stargazing.

Thor: I didn't know party-girls stargaze.

Vanessa: Well, there's a lot you don't know about me. I love full moons too.

Thor: Why is she telling me all this? Is she flirting with me? Nahhh...change the subject.

Thor: So...are you a Democrat or Republican?

Vanessa: What?? What does this have to do with anything?

Thor: It has to do with everything. I can't be around Republicans. Too stuffy.

Vanessa: Seriously, Thor?? Do I look like a Republican?

Thor: Do I look like a genius? Don't judge a book by its cover, right? How do I know you're not a Republican pretending to be a party girl?

Vanessa: You're weird. And strangely hot. What I would do to get inside that head of yours.

Thor: Well?? Are you?? Cuz if you are, I'll take you down right now.

Vanessa: What if I was?? Will you go easy on me?


"Remember The Name" by Fort Minor

"Bad To The Bone" by George Thorogood

"I Like It" by Enrique Iglesias

The Wellington Mansion by CK213

Next: Episode 14 (Calm and Confident) 

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